How to setup teams for Among Us | Difficulty: đźź©

These steps also work for other situations where everyone but one player is on a team, for example a boss battle. The boss would be the imposter, and the cremates would be everyone else.

For the purposes of this tutorial, team 1 is the cremates, and team 2 is the imposter. For this to work, you need to go to Settings → Map Options → Teams, and set the team mode to Cooperative.

Now, place down a lifecycle device. This will trigger when the game starts. Then, place down a relay and wire the lifecycle device to the relay.

Open the relay device and select “Random Player” under the Relay Audience section. Then place down a team switcher and wire the relay to it.

Then open the team switcher and select “Specific Team” under switch strategy, and team 2.

Because the game is a cooperative game, everyone will be on team 1. However, when the game starts, we detect that with the lifecycle device and select a random player with the relay. The relay will then send a signal to the team switcher for it to switch the random player to team 2. Now, everyone is on team 1, except for the imposter who is on team 2!

I hope you learned something from this tutorial! If you enjoyed it, make sure to leave a like! If you saw an error, leave a comment and I’ll fix it as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading!
– Blackhole927


Is there any way to hide the teams?

What exactly do you mean?

like for the leaderboard cause they can see who on the leaderboard

Maybe disable the leaderboard in map options

disabling the leaderboard works

Would It be able to switch additional players to the “imposter” team? If so, since it’s cooperative, would the tag zone device allow for the “imposter” team to tag team 1? I would test this in my own world, but for now, I am limited due to ceretain issues, plus, I think the community could benefit from the experiment being run publicly.

you may have to read this bug

Oh wait yeah. That might be a problem

We’ll need to find a way around that.

If you triggered the random relay and team switcher again, this time for a random player on specific team (I think that’s an option, I can’t check right now) then it will pick another crewmate to become an imposter.

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The issue is, that the leaderboard can never truly be hidden, hence the link to the bug page.

Does anyone know how to make it so only one person on team 2 starts with a zapper

Relay for all players on team 2, and wire that to an item granter

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Should we just change the title to “How to make one random player be on a different team?” At this point it’s the most frequently asked question lol.

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I like this idea, but I based the guide text off of among us and I can’t edit the guide text anymore.

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People at trust level 3 can edit it

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No, the guide text.

Oh nvm

I shoot the player with the Evil Eye but when they die, I also die.