I need help on some teams

ho do i set how much people i want on a certain team

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this is currently impossible, but you could set it to random. Or, you could set it to cooperative. you could set a lifecycle on game start, then connect it to a relay that that selects a random player then connect it to a team switcher device. Then just copy that as many times as you want.

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You could currently go into map settings → teams and select “Create teams of specific size” and set the size to whatever you want.

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yes this works, but what if you want an uneven amount in each team?

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for things like among us or murder mystery, like a one versus all thing.

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In the Among Us tutorial, they say how to use a Relay device to make an imposter.

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what if the radomizer chooses the same player twice?


You can make the relay be for a random player on team 1, instead of any random player.