Creating a cursed player (Resolved)

How do you get a player to begin cursed like in Snowy Survival?

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Am I only creating 1 team (Cooperative)? Or am I creating two teams…one for imposter and one for the rest?

If you set the game on cooperative, everyone will be on team 1 by default. So the imposter should go on team 2.


The god of creation is back!

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How do I create a Team 2? The thing is…I have players starting at different points on the map. I want one to begin the game cursed. I set up the lifecycle and relay and wired them. But where do I place them?

Connect the relay to a teleporter that isn’t visible in-game (Make sure the wire setting is not teleport to target location). Place the teleporter wherever the infected player spawns.

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@JasonLeft you wired it to a team switcher, correct?

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