How to setup teams for Among Us | Difficulty: šŸŸ©

Um, you shouldnā€™t be using weapons for among us. Use this instead:

If they want to use weapons, itā€™s slightly easier now due to the killing feed being able to be removed. Thereā€™s still a chance the imposter misses though, so I would say tagging is still better.


Thats what I used, but I think Iā€™m having a problem that when I go in everyone can kill. Of course when I play itā€™s only me so I may be getting imposter always

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I tried doing this and it didnĀ“t work could I please have some help fixing it?


Could I see the setting for the wires and devices?


Credits to @blackhole927

I could not thank you enough. I just published a deathrun map and could not figure out how to make just one player the killer for the life of me.


Ok, this helped, but what about voting?

There are other guides for that. voting has some guides for it.

honestly the gimkit gims are just like

  1. take the among us character
  2. remove the visor helmet and give it eyes
  3. make it 15% fatter
  4. incorporate it into an educational game

Gimkit existed a year before Among Us did thoughā€¦

yeah, but i believe 2d mode came out a bit later, id say around 2021 or 2022 (fishtopia)

Josh did say that inspiration was taken from Among Us in terms of character design.


"Thatā€™s kinda SUS "

(Iā€™m sorry for that joke I will never speak like that ever again)

Bumpity bump bump bump. I do definitly recommend this guide as I used it.

also egg and bh with the same pfp? O.o