How to make a simple teleporter!

Here’s how to make a teleporter for your map, fellow zombie hunters! First, get a teleporter in the devices tab:

Then, once that’s done, do this:

Clone that teleporter and do the same. For the cloned one, instead of its name group 1, name it group 2 and name the other group 2 group 1. Enjoy the tutorial! Oh, and Dempsey, don’t forget to visit Pack A Punch! (lol)


This looks similar to


Good guide tho there are already several guides on teleporters, you might want to credit them

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Very Simple and Consice guide, though you could add a bit more information for other things about teleporters though.

Like what? Also thanks for the support guys!

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Edit to tutorial: If you want to make the teleporter visible, do so in the dropdown menu here. I suggest you should leave it to show since it’s easier to see

If you press the edit pencil you can edit it

ik ik, i have it shown here thanks

Nice guide! Here’s all the teleporter guides:

There is way too many guides on teleporters.


This just proves that this guide is should definitely be listened to. Only with guides too.