Hello! A couple weeks ago I heard that pre-game you can interact with teleporters. So today, I was thinking, what if I try that out. So I did some messing around and figured out that you can randomly teleport to another teleporter, just like in the capture the flag lobby. This might have already been figured out, but if not, here we go.
How to do it
It’s simple. Get how many teleporters you want. Set the group and target group to 1 for all of them. It’s that simple!
How it works:
Ok, so when you step on a teleporter, it checks if you have a target group. In this case, there is. If there is just one teleporter that has the same group, then you teleport there. If there are mulitple, then it randomly chooses. So, by having them all the same, it randomly chooses which one to teleport you. Fun pregame antics!