DO NOT REPLY - Inkyday Forum Degeneracy (ID: 62015)

“Unfortunate” doesn’t begin to describe Gimkit Forums, this place rewards effortless posts, off-topicness, welcoming new users without answering their questions, naivety, and bumps for fame, I am beyond convinced at this point. After getting completely tooled by forumers praising my terrible guide (which doesn’t even work) and refusing to make valid criticisms, being forced to make this post to expose these issues feels extremely painful as it shows the forums have not grown at all since the start of this year.

I am not done with the forums, and you will not be getting a fine farewell. This community is infected to its roots in a delusional dream that tricks everyone with false hope and praise, but stops short of insanity. Guides and help topics with abundant details and organized writing have been transplanted with “mini-guides”, “resource guides”, and useless bumping that feeds on insecure little children that heckle by the sidelines and tear each other to shreds over off-topic messages. The environment we fostered has trapped us all in a vicious cycle, and escaping it requires acceptance of the harsh reality that some people are simply ego-seekers to inflate their ego as well as the blatant hypocrisy of many users when addressing topics.

If you want actual evidence of these problems, look no further than
How to Make Your Game Have 2 Games in 1 (how to make 2 teleporters teleport to different places)
Mini guide. How to make a random teleportation system without blocks or wires. 🟩 (how to spam teleporters)
How To Make Text Show A Players Name (how to use a block that literally everyone knows already)
Make a random number generator (how to use a block that literally everyone knows already)
[Mini Guide] How to change terrain on gimkit maps (how to change a game setting that literally everyone knows already)
How to create a foxian lag machine! credits to shdwy (how to make a machine that RUINS gameplay experience and wastes computer resources)
[Moved to the TUG Devices; DON'T REPLY] (how to use a device that literally everyone knows already)
How to make A Joe! 0/10 ◻ (how to make a random monster)
How To make A John! 0/10 ◻ (how to make a random monster)
How to track the FPS in your game! [1/10] (guide doesn’t even work and you can LITERALLY JUST GET AND ONLINE FPS CHECKER)
How to travel around your map fast in edit mode (how to do something YOU CAN ALREADY DO IN EDITING OPTIONS)
How to make a 3 number code for your game! UNFINISHED (how to make a code that is useless)
[📰 Resources] Resources for Block Code (blatant ignorance of the rules)
How to create a timer, the Kormorantian way! (how to make a timer that has been made by DOZENS OF PEOPLE ALREADY)
Black screen glitch (literally NO ONE REALIZES THIS IS JUST LAG/WIFI ISSUES)
Hwo to make a 🌈 rainbow🌈 trail in gimkit!

All of the examples starkly show the absolute mindless praise of effortless topics. Rather than pointing out valid criticisms such as spelling mistakes, extreme simplicity of some guides, the re-inventing of already existing guides, the mob mentality of everyone needing to be “nice” and “respectful” to everyone else has inhibited anyone’s ability to actually grow up, realize their mistakes, and make a more concerted effort to improve their post quality.

In the case of my guide, do you GENUINELY THINK that a misspelled, disorganized, confusing, FAULTY, poorly screenshotted, and hardly useful guide deserves recognition? Or did you just go along with the group, not thinking critically and fearing that you would be flagged if you accidentally “insulted” me for revealing the truth of valid flaws? It took 9 WHOLE POSTS before someone actually tested the guide and realized it was faulty, yet it still received unrelenting praise.

Don’t even get me started on the TOS. For as much as you guys all claim to follow the TOS with “respect” and “kindness”, I bet over half of you AREN’T EVEN OLD ENOUGH TO USE THE FORUMS.

And I know a ton of you are under thirteen given how you guys constantly go off-topic with random images of Snom, sad discussions of leaving (you are literally GOING TO COME BACK AT THE START OF THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR), and arbitrary birthdays that flood topics; often fail to ADDRESS this off-topicness. It has become so degenerate that even just recently, the entire ragebait fake guide that gimpossible posted WAS NOT FLAGGED BECAUSE PEOPLE BLINDLY FOLLOWED THE ACTIONS OF THE DISCORD MEMBERS TO NOT FLAG IT. This lack of critical thinking is detrimental to this growth of this community. Furthermore, I have seen dozens of you “welcoming” new members to the forums to give a good first impression, but most of you do not even respond to what the new member posted in #1. This audacity, disrespect, and instinct to simply IGNORE the new member and transform into an unfeeling chatbot that only posted welcome message for the sake of your ego.

Another issue is with bumping, which users claim to “let new users know what guides have already been made” which clearly fails and is abused by low attention-seeking like farmers. People still re-invent guides and others constantly bump their effortless guides (Mini guide. How to make a random teleportation system without blocks or wires. 🟩 - #44 by Ibrahim_4414), all with the innocent guise of “not knowing” (laziness of not searching up guides) or “being useful” (reaction-farming). It is not the community’s role to act like new users are HELPLESS INFANTS who cannot use the search bar by themselves, and rather than arbitrarily bumping guides and blindly hoping that they will be used by someone, it is far more efficient to tell new users to develop independence and search for what they need by themselves.

One last thing before I leave you all to react with disdain, ridicule, and self-righteous fervor, before you do everything in your power to minimize my words and and thoughts, box them up and shove them to some cobwebbed corner of your memory, and hope they disappear forever as a stain on your finite time ground to dust. The foulest arguments you hurl at me will slide off my wings, and the despair and crying you feign will bring the pain of a warm summer breeze. You are less than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from knowledge.

Posting in this topic means that you have read my post in its ENTIRETY and will NOT make effortless one-liners for your ego.



(post deleted by the author)

Isn’t this something like an ego? I know your trying to reveal to people all these problems, but this seems a bit harsh…

The “TheirName-ian way of Movement” is practically what the forums are.
“First, press a key. You see how your character moves?” It’s all a buncha copied and “Name-ifed” for their own enjoyment. The last time I saw an original guide was this morning, how to make a rainbow trail. I see so much useless and reposted junk here.

P.S. 1

I screenshotted it because I have a theory that this will get deleted for being true.

P.S. 2

Sheesh, my Twitter rant yesterday really helped with this reply.

This is showing what is hidden inside the Forums, the rules and regulations that are either being misused or are being treated as a joke, it is a good thing that this post is explaining these problems, but still, there’s nothing wrong with sweetening it up…

Sheesh, you ain’t wrong, there’s hundreds of sci Fi books that talk about the creators and governments hiding what’s bad, ever read Space Case? Yeah, something like that…
(Ps: This is not a form of advertisement, and if it is, purely unintentional)

i read this but what does the mean

For example, this:

They want to make a guide, but the video is too big. Their solution? Ping Josh, Creator of Gimkit (and lover of Boston Terriers and Fig Newtons) about their video being too big. Josh has NOTHING to do with your video being too big. And secondly, just use the link like EVERYONE IS SAYING.

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It basically means you don’t want to accept this and is trying to get it deleted.

Alright. I’ll be honest.

Alot of people have an ego. A huge ego. The rest are narcissists and hypocrites. That doesn’t mean I’m not either. None of us are a gift from god. I feel like this PSA is probably what can make people on here snap out of their fake world that the world revolves around them. This is hard to admit, but almost all of us are the problem.

Some people (including me) are scared of criticizing, which is also an issue.
Because we’re scared to hurt someone. That’s a problem.

The problem with the rules is that they’re not taken seriously. Misused, Misinterpreted, and dragged through the dirt.

us as human beings, and respectable community members KNOW BETTER.
I’m disappointed this is how our community is.

So many more problems I can list.
I’m glad someone spoke up. It’s about time we should actually really do something about this.


ok makes sense (:

the incompetence of that is actually flabbergasting. That user has been known for doing idiotic slop.

Such as: Announcing that their flagging someone. no one cares.

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Well, what do we do? It might only be a matter of time till this gets deleted, then the community goes back to the hypocrite world where everything is perfect and nothing wrong that might drive this community to bedrock.

Me who has a screenie for the record:

Wow, well, at least this is saved. Now it can;t fully disappear.

We need to establish something. Like- (bad idea incoming) a group of people, since obviously, even tl3s aren’t comprehending this, an actually aware people to keep the forums from turning back to the idiocy chamber this is.

The creepy “high school art student” vibe you’re giving aside, I assume that this is some sort of manifesto dedicated to pretty much telling everyone that you’re enlightened and everyone else needs to see the truth. I’m about seventy three percent sure that you have less experience considering you have…

7.5k posts read.

now the four total users who see this as some sort of great book that holds a monopoly on the truth can rant about this. Just saying, try to drop the ego that you think that everyone here thinks everything is fine.

also we don’t need another psa.

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Well (another bad idea coming) why not use the wixsite and create another group? One that discusses basically stuff like this? To show the community that we need to accept these problems and learn from them?

Once again, probably a bad idea from me.

i aint readin all that


I…slighty agree with you. I see what you mean, not the whole forums is terrible. There are some people with common sense here. But- the forums is still kinda a dumpster fire.

hopefully, It’ll change to the better. I know not ONE place in the world is perfect, but I still believe we need to work together to get rid of as much as possible.