[ Resources] Resources for Block Code
What is Block Code?
What is block code, you ask? Block code is coding, but with blocks! Websites such as Scratch , Tynker, and Code.org use block code similar to Gimkit. By most people’s opinion, it is a much easier way to code than C++, JavaScript, etc.
This is a wiki guide. That means that anyone can edit it. Feel free to add to this guide as long as it contributes to the guide.
I just want to thank everybody who has ever helped me understand block code, such as, but not restricted to @Blackhole927 , @getrithekd , and @ClicClac .
Block code is almost a love/hate thing in gimkit creative. It is one of the most useful ways to transmit messages in gimkit creative.
In this course, I want you to not only learn about block coding in gim…
Welcome back! In the last chapter of Essence of Block Code We worked with the “math” section of the block code section and used the activity feed block.
Variables are pretty important. Although they can be overshadowed by properties (which we will work with in the next chapter), we should still remember to use them.
Logic crates are crazy useful. If you don’t know what I mean, variables and properties have almost no use without them! That’s why I’ll be teaching you how to use log…
Welcome back! In the last chapter of Essence of Block Code We talked about finding the block code menu, and briefly explained how each section worked.
I hope you enjoy this section, it shall be longer than the last.
The Chapters:
These are the chapters for “Essence of Block Code”. The bolded chapter is the one we will be talking about.
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Interface
Chapter 2: Mathematics and Basics of the Essentials
Chapter 3: An Introduction to Variables and Lo…
Hello everyone! This will be a long series type of thing all about block code. I will make multiple guides with each chapter in them. Each chapter will be a part of a section, and in every chapter there will be lessons. Many guides have so far been made for block code in GKC, but none have been completed. For this fact, I have made this new one. Anyone who wants to help will be able to as I will always ask for sugestions, and I will make each post a wiki.
If you decided to edit one of …
Welcome everyone, to the very first Chapter of the Journey of block code!
Lesson 1: what is block code?
Today I will answer a essential question to block code, which is: what is block code?? Block code is a programming language. It has a basic syntax.
New word! Syntax
Block code is mainly taught to beginner coders(maybe like yourself!) and was the third programming language I ever learned(if you consider turtle an actual programming language on its on). Block code is simple because when you…
Welcome back everyone, to the second Chapter of the Journey of block code!
Lesson 1: comment time!
Today I will be teaching some important things to start off coding. First, I’d like to talk about comments! Comments are used to explain code and are useful for remembering the point of a specific ggame mechanism. Here’s how one looks in Python:
# This is a comment!
Simple, right? Well, yes they’re. Something to remember is that comments are ignored by the computer, and therefore, have no effect…
This guide is about variables. It will teach you when to use them, how to use them, and why to use them. Pictures coming later!
What Are Variables And How Do You Make Them?
Variables are exclusive to block coding. They are located in the variables menu (obviously). When you first open that menu up, you don’t see any variables! Why is that? Well, you must first create a variable. To create a variable, click on the create a variable button, and type your variable’s name in. Now, the blocks for va…
This guide will hopefully show you how to think when designing code. Not following a guide, but making your own code.
So first, you’ll need extensive knowledge of all the devices. You’ll probably want to know about common device systems like player counters. You don’t have to know these though. It just speeds your journey up by not having to scroll through the devices menu each time you need a device that does something. You will also have to know lots of concepts like the back of your hand to …
If you have any suggestions, please reply in the comments below!
my two favorite things: Blockcode and Resourses
today is just a good day!
I don’t think we make resources guides anymore
its nice to see one still
We don’t need resources, since we have tags that are easier to sort through, therefore making this topic useless.
Resources are now obsolete due to the existence of tags.
Thank you so much!!! I needed this so much!!
September 12, 2024, 10:09am
Bump and here’s mine. Surely this counts.
Want to compress your code? If you don’t know how this guide will teach you!
There is a intro to blocks guide too! Go check it out!
The Beginning
The first thing to mention is that code blocks take up 500 memory! So try to avoid them if it is a simple if statement you need to run. You can use checkers to run if statements so it saves memory!
You only have 75 blocks per 500 memory, so compressing your code is crucial!
If you want to edit, please read post #8
Using Variables
Using V…
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