The journey of block code: a in-depth guide on block code! The introduction

Hello everyone! This will be a long series type of thing all about block code. I will make multiple guides with each chapter in them. Each chapter will be a part of a section, and in every chapter there will be lessons. Many guides have so far been made for block code in GKC, but none have been completed. For this fact, I have made this new one. Anyone who wants to help will be able to as I will always ask for sugestions, and I will make each post a wiki.

If you decided to edit one of the posts, make sure it is on topic and contributes to the overall idea of the chapter.

Now, here are the sections, chapters, and lessons to be:

Section 1: welcome to coding

Chapter 1: block code;
Lesson 1: what is block code?
Lesson 2: why learn to code?
Lesson 3: ask for help
Lesson 4: which device?

Chapter 2: essentials;
Lesson 1: comment time!
Lesson 2: psuedo-coding
Lesson 3: categories
Lesson 4: basics of the Essentials and the Math operators

Chapter 3: strings;
Lesson 1: data types
Lesson 2: what is a string?
Lesson 3: “Hello, world!”
Lesson 4: data conversion

Project 1: what is my name(Credit to @Wumpus)?
Devices: text and zone.
Details: using a text device use the blocks in it to display the name of a player once they enter a place.
Difficulty: 1/10

Section 2: math and variables

Chapter 1: advanced math;
Lesson 1: randomization!
Lesson 2: math equations
Lesson 3: PEMDAS
Lesson 4: coding is math
Lesson 5: trigonometry

Chapter 2: variables;
Lesson 1: what is a variable?
Lesson 2: intro to variables!
Lesson 3: changing values
Lesson 4: redefining
Lesson 5: explain your code!

Project 2: find the area!
Devices: buttons, triggers, and properties.
Details: using buttons to take in values, build a basic cowculator(see what I did there) to find the area of a shape! (you will probably need to use properties which have not been taught yet so tough one!)
Difficulty: 4/10(because you don’t know how properites work, yet)

Section 3: properties

Chapter 1: a device;
Lesson 1: scary device…
Lesson 2: the property!
Lesson 3: data values
Lesson 4: using new Essential blocks!

Chapter 2: advanced properties;
Lesson 1: properties or variables?
Lesson 2: going deeper with variables
Lesson 3: redefining properties
Lesson 4: don’t forget!
Lesson 5: good name!

Project 3: 1+1 = basic calculator!
Devices: buttons, counters, properties and triggers.
Details: using the project from the last section, extend it to take in multiple values and do +, -, X, and /. It should then send the results to the user.
Difficulty: 2.5/10

Section 4: advanced strings and logic

Chapter 1: advanced strings;
Lesson 1: using more text data
Lesson 2: extracting certain data from strings!
Lesson 3: strings vs numbers
Lesson 4: debugging your program!

Chapter 2: logic gates;
Lesson 1: what is a logic gate?
Lesson 2: what is lo…wait…just kidding!
Lesson 3: ify problems
Lesson 4: and or or?

Chapter 3: more logic;
Lesson 1: not you!
Lesson 2: logic in math!?!?
Lesson 3: combining logic and math
Lesson 4: if…what else¿?

Chapter 4: so much logic;
Lesson 1: bored?
Lesson 2: else if!
Lesson 3: inside the logic
Lesson 4: if or else if?
Lesson 5: logic operators

Project 4: my AI!
Details: create a basic AI. The player will start a conversation with the AI and using logic gates, the AI will decide what to respond. You can create basic interaction and small talk like: what is your name? How are you? That’s good? among others.
Difficulty: 5.7/10

Section 5: loops and recursion

Chapter 1: for loops;
Lesson 1: what is a for loop?
Lesson 2: don’t get dizzy!
Lesson 3: looping through strings
Lesson 4: inserting data
Lesson 5: nested for loops…

Chapter 2: while loops;
Lesson 1: while what?
Lesson 2: loopy
Lesson 3: forever loops
Lesson 4: stopping
Lesson 5: nested while loops?

Chapter 3: recursion;
Lesson 1: recursion?
Lesson 2: loops or recursion?
Lesson 3: ideas
Lesson 4: writing clean code
Lesson 5: different ways of repeating
Lesson 6: more loops?
Lesson 7: do-while loops?

Chapter 4: loops and recursion;
Lesson 1: think about it!
Lesson 2: pausing
Lesson 3: chained loops
Lesson 4: loops in loops
Lesson 5: loops in recursion!

Section 6: arrays and objects

Chapter 1: arrays;
Lesson 1: what’s an array?
Lesson 2: modifying arrays
Lesson 3: usage
Lesson 4: why not just variables?
Lesson 5: inside the loop
Lesson 6: looping through arrays
Lesson 7: extracting data…again?!

Chapter 2: objects;
Lesson 1: what’s an obejct???
Lesson 2: literal objects
Lesson 3: objects are key
Lesson 4: arrays of objects and objects of arrays…
Lesson 5: modifying objects
Lesson 6: looping through objects?

Section 7: functional programming

Chapter 1: intro to functions;
Lesson 1: What is a function?
Lesson 2: functions or loops?
Lesson 3: using functionns
Lesson 4: everything is a function!

Chapter 2: going deeper with functions;
Lesson 1: parameters?
Lesson 2: possibilties
Lesson 3: returning values?
Lesson 4: applications
Lesson 5: finding data

Chapter 3: using functions for data;
Lesson 1: saving data!
Lesson 2: loading data
Lesson 3: encrypting data
Lesson 4: applications…again?!

Section 9: OOP and OOD

Chapter 1: OOP;
Lesson 1: what is OOP?
Lesson 2: oops…
Lesson 3: using OOP
Lesson 4: methods?
Lesson 5: math!!
Lesson 6: object inheritance
Lesson 7: classes?
Lesson 8: tricks

Chapter 2: OOD;
Lesson 1: what is OOD?
Lesson 2: drawings
Lesson 3: text manipulation
Lesson 4: deep OOD
Lesson 5: using OOP with OOD
Lesson 6: future applications
Lesson 7: deeper studies
Lesson 8: devices for code
Lesson 9: replacing things
Lesson 10: the shortest code!

(I will maybe add an activity after each chapter!)
Wow! That was a lot of writing(and brainstorming)! Now let’s get started! This will not be a part of the first section, it will be a part of the introduction.
PS: I will add more projects later on, for now only a couple!

Projects are used to help test your ability and new knowledge in GKC’s block code.
Activities are used to help you put into pratice what you learned in the current chapter you’re on.

Does this guide feel too short? Also: should I actually make this?

I will not be explaining how devicees work in my guides(with the exception of properties), so if you don’t know how a device works I would check out TUG’s and other guides about devices. Somethings that are in the sections are yet to be tested and aren’t something that is official, yet.

Credits: Me, Gimkit team, @Wumpus, @mysz, and @wingwave!



Wow! Nice guide! It will be really really helpful!

It doesn’t teach anything…

It doesn’t teach anything…


True…kind of…

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Wow! This is pretty cool! Can you make it a wiki?

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All parts will be wiki, this isn’t a guide. This is just to guide people to a shortcut to all the guides I will make. Like I said towards the beginning in the warning sections:

If you decided to edit one of the posts, make sure it is on topic and contributes to the overall idea of the chapter.

Oh, ok.

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This looks sort of like Essence of Block Code. Did you take inspiration?

Yes that is why I credited @mysz. I wanted to continue on his idea, but with a couple modifications.

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What is the blocks tag?

I think its for guides that have a heavy amount of blocks.

Probably things to do with blocks.

Guides that use a lot of blocks/very advanced blockcoding

Nice guide!



This feels like i’m reading a really long book.