I'm in desperate need of help in blocks

I know there is so many guides on this, but they all just don’t make sense at ALL to me.
I need somebody to explain every block so I can have a better understanding.
please don’t show code, just tell me how to actually do it.
Please help.

[:newspaper: Resources] Resources for Block Code

Dude. I said guides don’t work. I’m just incredibly stupid like that.
I cant understand the guides.

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what block code do you need?

Did you not read this???
whyyyy cant I do this???

well which block guides have you seen?

Im thinking… but there is random integer block that is required for RNG
and a broadcast channel one which you use to broadcast a command to a channel

I’ve seen yours. And I don’t understand it (no offense)
I’ve also seen everything from resources blocks.

nobody? i really need help please.


Here we go.

This block just transmits on a channel. Its the same as normal wires or channels, just in block form.

This block you can set property’s with.
Here is an example. It sets a property called “Property One” to value “4”. The importand thing here is that in the property device, make sure it is set to text/number/true/false

This is a get property block, you use it anytime getting a property EXCEPT in the first line of the “Set property” block.

This block is simple, it just stores the triggering players name. You can use it to set property’s, var, if statements, etc

This is all for activity feed. You would naturly see smth in the activity feed when a player gets knocked out.

These are both values that is automaticly stored, like the player name block.

You can assign a string after this block to get a certain team #'s score.

These check if it is live game vs a teacher assignment.

This i a number value that keeps track from how long (in seconds) the game has started.

That covers all the essential blocks! If you want to know any other category, please let me know.


Thanks so much! Sorry if i took your time btw.

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No worries! I expect this sometimes, and I love to help other users understand gimkit!

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I dont have much clue about blocks either i just go with it but slowly i start to understand them by exposing myself to them

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