Resources for Map Ideas [đź“°]

“I need map ideas”
“Help for new map ideas”
“Any map ideas”
“I need map ideas for. . .”
“I need help to put things in my map”
“I what should I put in my map”
“What do I do now”
“I need help”
“I’m stuck”

If you are saying or asking any of these, please check these guides!

Theme Catalogs:

Specific Theme Ideas:

Gamemode Ideas:

Prop/Terrain use ideas:



Rusty (me :0)

This guide is designed to catch the sentences at the top of this guide in Help posts, in order to stop people who don’t search things up from making posts that have been answered before.

If you have any guides you think I should had please let me know!


If anyone knows how to make this guide show up more when users are making Help posts, please let me know :slight_smile:

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I can make a reusable bump :v idk

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@Rusty, this is just resources. By the way, to make your guide show up on Help posts, it’s just based on how helpful it is.


I mean, I would recommend one of my guides showing ways to think of ideas on your own.

I know people need help with “game ideas”. Maybe ppl just wanna hear others ideas? Not yours only! (Not trying to sound rude, pls don’t think that)

It isn’t advertising at all.

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its resources for ideas. that’s not advertising in the slightest.

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It isn’t. That the whole point of resources, to show guides that are in that category.

Anyways, resources aren’t allowed anymore, so yeah.

wdym, @gimkitnoobie? And btw, ur profile pic is cute lol (srry if im going off topic, but still!) The ideas were a good, fun suggestion, don’t get me wrong, but the posts abt game ideas arent that annoying. It’s fun to hear others opinions.

Thanks for shortening the title

I do not think resources are allowed anymore
You might want to get permission from the moderators asking to keep this.

This is a duplicate guide, but the other guide are short comparison to yours (at least the ones I could find)

I like how you categorized topics by subject/theme, you should add a section focusing on devices, like random loot crates, sentry tricks, and barrier art


Here’s some proof.

I’m not closing this post Rusty, this is actually pretty good for a resources!

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Agreed! Very good, I think it’s fun to see others ideas.

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cool crediting, but my guide is bad
thanks anyway, but also this exists
cool guide too

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Thanks, for letting me know this is just a resources post (though, I fell like idea-catalog would be good since this is mostly a post about idea catalogs, but whatever)

But posts showing up on help posts is clearly wrong since:

I dont think more help posts are what people are looking for when they need help with ideas :rofl:

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Most of those posts are solved by people sending links to resources and idea-catalog guides. But, you are correct! It is good to see other peoples’ opinion. This guide is just designed to [hopefully] weed out the people who’s posts are resolved quickly by being shown a guide.

So if you have any ideas on how to get this guide to show up when people make a Help post, that would be appreciated

This is helpful, I used to need stuff like this, I’m more creative now, but this is helpful for new people.

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here an idea for platfomer

its where the sentry hits you to fly to the other side and you can add a roof if you want would this be a good one?

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