How to make an Achievement System in Gimkit


First, let’s create 3 new properties:

achievment#:unlocked? = bool:False
achievment#:title = string:Title
achievment#:description = string:Description


We can create a new notification device. These devices can hold their own block code, which is helpful since we can simplify our code but compiling it all into one notification device.

We can add this to our notification that runs on wire pulse.

I tried to use a similar method as I would in javascript. In JavaScript, we can use backticks (`) to concatenate strings. I we use a javascript style approach to the problem as such, we can make our code modular. Here is what I would have written in javascript:

let achievements = {
  "1": {
    "unlocked": true,
    "title": "Title Here",
    "description": "description here"
const GrantAchievment = (n) => {
  let num = toString(n);
  if (!achievements[num].unlocked) {
    // stuff
  else return null;


Thanks for reading. This was a quicker article, but I plan to make a much longer guide about guide-making it’s self and my process in making my guides.


Nice guide!

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Nice guide! @M1dnight Can I add the minecraft tag? Cause this can be used in making minecraft…

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This can also be used in many other cases though like it could be used in clicker games, a simulation of Terraria, etc. Because, you know.


Nice guide!

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That would be great. I was looking to add a tag but was unsure which one.

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That sits very unwell with me… I don’t like applying very general things to specific cases.

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This seems like an interesting idea!

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Yeah, but you can use this for minecraft. We don’t mark it so that it only is for minecraft, only that they can find it easier


This could be used in many ways, nice guide!

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Wow. This is an incredible feat of Gimkit Creative Engineering. Great guide!