The All Important Player IDs

I’ve used player ID’s in 2 of my guides, and I think it is now time to make a guide on it.

Player ID’s are a way to numerically identify players. I have 2 types: iterative and unique. Iterative ones are a bit more “expensive” in that they use slightly more memory. This uses the order that the players joined to use player ID’s. It needs a closed spawn area to work properly. Iterative player ID’s can be used to go scroll or iterate through the entire server to see who to act on. However, unique player ID’s just gives each person a unique one. These don’t care about order. Now, these can be used for the computer to recognize players that have done actions to other players. Basically, iterative ones are for players to use, and unique ones are for the computer to recognize.

3 days later: Player ID’s are the most important concept for peaceful interactions. I can not stress this enough!



Make a lifecycle that listens for game start. It should broadcast on “Start Game Start” (since its only for the game host). Make a relay that relays to everyone when receiving on “Start Game Start”. It should broadcast on “Game Start”. Make a “Num Players” global scoped number property, with a default value of 0. Make a “Player ID” player-scoped number property, with no default. Make a trigger triggered when receiving on “Game Start”. In the blocks, it should increment “Num Players” by one, and set “Player ID” to “Num Players”.


Here is the trigger’s blocks:


Gimkit already has a type of unique ID: names. These are pretty versatile as ID’s, but they can’t do everything that number ID’s can do. I won’t show you how to make them because unique number ID’s are useless because of names and iterative player IDs.

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0 voters

Off Topic:
Let’s go! I got TL2!
3n+1 is one of the most interesting sequences ever!


Nice guide! Maybe delete the off-topic part, because it’s, well, off-topic. Nice guide overall! Congrats on @trust_level_2!


You can avoid off topic with:

Some examples of player IDs might be: 3, 10, 5, or 16.


Wait that’s confusing, you go from 1 thing to another?


It’s a chunk from the sequence 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1

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Also, is the “lets welcome _______ to our community” part of TL2?

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Oh!! I get it.

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Who did the 10? I know someone did it because it went from 5 all the way to 5.8 with one vote! Maybe @VALUEX?

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Thank you for the guide! Is it okay if I refer to this as iterative psuedo teaming?

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No, I don’t think its pseudo-teaming.

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Think about it. You’re putting each player on a separate team, with each team being a different amount of an item, and using that to do stuff to players.


No, I never mentioned teams.

If every player is on a different team, then their team acts like an ID.

Good idea! I never thought of that before!

Pseudo-teaming with items should work well since you know, properties take more memory to deal with, HOWEVER items can be dropped and if you don’t like that, then…

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Back to this pfp?

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Well it is only 2 properties… Also, unique number IDs are rendered obsolete by the other 2…

Place a zone that disables item dropping.

That’s not exactly affordable, since some games like among us needs item drop to work.

I was waiting until we got conflicting tech. Just pick a item that no one uses, give everyone one, then turn off notifications and psuedo team with one item as the default instead of zero. Add in some lore that the Gims need it to breathe, and have a checker check every 0.5 seconds if the amount of item is equal to zero for all players. If true, respawn player, and give them one of the item again.