Random relay help

will random player relays go to every player OR is it truly random

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well in computers, you cant really achieve true randomness, but it goes to a random player in the game, not all players

but like will it go to every player if i attach a repeter

Random player would make all players have a chance to get the relay.
Random player on specific team would allow all players on a specific team to get a chance of viewing the relay.

so say there is twelve people and i have 12 random relays, will everyone get a signal?

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it will choose a random player the amount of times u iterated it (which means you can get the same player multiple times), there’s an all players option in the relay though

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there’s a chance all 12 players will get the signal, not 100% likely though

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ok this is for marbles what two people get together

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The random player relay uses pseudo-random computing techniques to generate numbers that are seemingly random. If you repeated the process long enough, it would eventually relay for each person. Even though pseudo-random numbers aren’t truly random, they are more close to producing accurate representations of random numbers than other strategies like rolling dice. This specific use of it will only relay to one person each time you activate it, but activating it multiple times may cause it to relay to multiple people or relay to people it already has.

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Nice pfp @Gim_Fishy and isn’t this like the randomizer?

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yeah and i am joining the fish lore

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Nice, now lets get back on topic, shall we?

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You could use player ID’s to do that. Take a look at these posts:

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A technique to not repeat the same person is to set team mode cooperative (or use an all players relay to switch everyone to team one), use random player on a specific team two times. When they receive the relay, switch them to a different team in pairs. You could then use specific team relays to teleport them to other places. This is assuming you have an even amount of people/max amount of players. Each 2 people playing you would need one more team. This means that max people is 58.

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ill figure it out…

Probly not but

Could I do this with item granters

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^^^^^ I edited it please read it and tell me if it makes sense.

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that would work

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Yes but it would be more inefficient as this version insures that no one wi be selected twice. It is also easier.

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