The All Important Player IDs

I was waiting until we got conflicting tech. Just pick a item that no one uses, give everyone one, then turn off notifications and psuedo team with one item as the default instead of zero. Add in some lore that the Gims need it to breathe, and have a checker check every 0.5 seconds if the amount of item is equal to zero for all players. If true, respawn player, and give them one of the item again.


No I didn’t put 10.

Sorry, I was looking at the order it showed people. You were last, so I thought it was you.

It’s fine.

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@getrithekd Question here do you want the Auto Door to be the lobby(before game) or Spawn area(in game)?

The lobby.

The players should not be able to exit and enter the zone again. If they do, then it will be broken.

I don’t think triggers work before game

Oh. Ok, then make a sort of lobby that is in game, and players are teleported in and out to the spawn area.

Lobby → Makeshift Lobby - Teleport to start → Star

Wait, you can do this pre-game @getrithekd. Teleporters can interact pre-game, so if you have a teleporter with teleport to group 2, and on the other side of the door a teleporter that is group 2, it will teleport you there when you step on the first teleporter.

Thank you for that! I’ll try to implement that!

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No problem!

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Bump because improved and bug fixed.

@getritheked can you help it it keeps assigning everyone the same id.

I forgot to add the lifecycle and the relay in the picture. Did you add those?

I’m going to fix that.

It’s fixed.

Does it work now?

what is the trigger scope?

Who the trigger effects