The All Important Player IDs

Player. Player id’s scope is also player

@getritheked it doesn’t work it just says 0

the player id is 0

Ok. I might know what happened. So one day, I wasn’t paying attention to the channels in the relays, and I swapped them. The player id was always 0. Check that.

no you didn’t the relay revives on start game start and broadcasts game start.

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Ok. Can you send screenshots of all your settings?

The only difference I see is in the order of the blocks. Try putting those the other way around. I don’t see why that’s a problem though.

Could you show me the trigger’s settings?

To remove excess clutter, we could use player num as a variable in 1 trigger, player id as a property.

School Leak!

Might wanna crop that one out, @Potato1.

No, since variables don’t save between blocks.

Everyone who didn’t notice knows now…


I don’t get this. It works for me with the same exact setup.

Its working now, thanks

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Don’t thank me. I really didn’t do anything. Do you know what the problem was?

It was the way I was testing it lol