~Among Us Task Ideas ~
Wiki for @Sythic
If you add anything have it follow the outline.
Base Game Tasks- Skeld
Align Engine Output
Align Engine Output is a task that takes place in the Upper and Lower Engines. It contains 2 short parts where the crewmate aligns each engine with a dotted line to complete the task.
(Currently No Guide)
Calibrate Distributer
Calibrate Distributer is a task that takes place in Electrical, in the task a node rotates around a ring and the crewmate must click in time as the node enters a highlighted area on the ring. The crewmate must do this 3 times successfully in a row, or else they must restart.
(Currently No Guide)
Clean O2 Filter
Clean O2 Filter is a task that takes place in O2, in the task the crewmate has to pull leaves into the trash can.
(Currently No Guide)
Clear Asteroids
How to make an alternative Asteroids task (Among Us) - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
Fuel Engines
Requires player to fill up gas tank in storage and take it to upper engine, before refilling the tank at storage and going to lower engine. This is a long task.
How to make the Fuel Engines Task like in Among Us | Difficulty: 🟨
Inspect Sample
This task takes place in medbay, the crewmate starts the process, waits for 60 seconds and then chooses the canister that is odd one out.
How to make the Inspect Samples task from Among Us - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
Prime Shields
This task is found in shields, you simply click the red hexagons. When all are clicked the shield visible on the outside of the ship lights up.
Prime shields task for among us (Skeld)(Stonian)(Difficulty 3/10 ) - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
Stabilize Steering
Takes place in navigation. The player has to tap on a crosshair that appears on screen. It’s a short task.
Stabilize Steering Task in Among Us! - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
Start Reactor
This is a long task. In reactor a screen will appear, and a growing sequence of blue squares will flash, the player has to remember this sequence and repeat it. It happens 5 times, and slowly goes from one square to 5.
How to create a start reactor task in Among Us! - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
Submit Scan
This is a task in Med-Bay. The crewmate stands on the scanner for 10 seconds and it scans them. It is also a visual task as other players can see the crewmate get scanned.
How to make Submit Scan 2.0 (Difficulty 2/10 or 🟩)
How to make a working submit scan from among us task (Difficulty 2/10 or 🟩 )
Swipe Card
We all know this task, the one that always says you’re going too fast or too slow. It takes place in admin and the crewmate drags a card through the card reader. But it can take multiple tries to get it right.
How to make the Admin Swipe Card Task in Among Us
How To make the swipe card task in among us
Unlock Manifolds
This task takes place in Reactor. You click a series of numbers from 1-10 in numerical order. If you mess up, you restart. Its a short task.
How to make a task like the "Unlock Manifolds" task from Among Us
Upload Data
Upload Data can take place in multiple different spots around the map. There are 2 points in this long task. The starting point can range anywhere from weapons, electrical, navigation etc. and the ending point is in admin. The player starts the downloading process and a popup appears. They wait until the data is downloaded before going to do it again.
(Currently No Guide)
Base Game Tasks- Airship
Clean ToiIet
This nice and sanitary task takes place in the bathroom stall. The player moves the plunger up and down and unclogs the toilet.
(Currently No Guide)
One of the newest tasks to airship. The player completes the task by using the hose and waiting for the percentage you see to drop.
(Currently No Guide)
Develop Photos
This is a long task, the player drags 3 blank photos into a liquid and then waits 60 seconds. Afterwards they remove the photos and complete the task.
(Currently No Guide)
Divert Power
This task is a 2 part task, first the player slides a switch in reactor before going to a different room (Changes) and flipping another switch.
(Currently No Guide)
Dress Mannequin
This task involves the player dressing a mannequin with the items they see on the mannequin at the top of the screen. Once in the correct outfit the task is completed.
(Currently No Guide)
Empty Garbage
Unlike other maps, emptying garbage on airship has different parts. In the first part the player shakes the trash bag out of the can. And in the second they complete the classic task and pull a lever to dispose of the trash.
(Currently No Guide)
Enter ID Code
This task has the player take their ID out of their wallet and enter the code into a machine. If you enter it incorrectly you have to try again.
(Currently No Guide)
Fix Shower
This task has the player fix the shower by charging up hammer swings to hit the showerhead back into place. Its a short task.
(Currently No Guide)
Fuel Engines
Requires player to fill up gas tank and depositing it, before filling it up and depositing it somewhere else. This is a long task.
How to make the Fuel Engines Task like in Among Us | Difficulty: 🟨
[Details=Make Burger]
This task provides the player with a list at the top of their screen. The list has an image of a burger with all the ingredients they need on it. The player has to recreate that burger uusing the provided ingredients.
(Currently No Guide)
Pick Up Towels
A visual task, pick up towels has the player retrieve 8 towels from around the showers and put them into a yellow hamper. This is one of the new tasks from Airship.
(Currently No Guide)
Polish Ruby
This is a short task, it has the player use a cloth to polish the scrapes off of a rubies surface, when complete the ruby will sparkle and the task will end.
(Currently No Guide)
Put Away Zappers
In this task the player must pick up 4 zappers and place them in an item case somewhere else in the room, this is a visual task and you can see the zappers be moved. You can also put variations of this task as there’s 2 versions of it. (with pewpews though)
(Currently No Guide)
Reset Breakers
Players must turn on each breaker in order from 1 to 7 to complete this task. Its one of the newer tasks introduced to airship. And involves counting (Underage users could never)
(Currently No Guide)
Rewind Tapes
Players are given a tape and must rewind or fast forward to the given time stamp. Its pretty simple
(Currently No Guide)
Sort Records
The player will find four folders in random positions on the screen. They must choose one and walk over to the file drawer to file the folder away. The player must do this four times to complete the task.
(Currently No Guide)
Stabilize Steering
Takes place in navigation. The player has to tap on a crosshair that appears on screen. It’s a short task.
Stabilize Steering Task in Among Us! - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
Start Fans
The player interacts with a panel and is given a code, they go to the next panel and interact with it, before putting in the code they received from the first one.
(Currently No Guide)
Unlock Safe
The player must turn a knob to the correct number, which is indicated by an arrow. Every time a new number is put in another one is indicated. If the player lets go, the combination resets.
(Currently No Guide)
Upload Data
Upload Data can take place in multiple different spots around the map. There are 2 points in this long task. The player starts the downloading process from the first room, where they take the info, and a popup appears. They wait until the data is downloaded before going to do it again and deposit the info in the second location.
(Currently No Guide)
Base Game Tasks- MiraHQ
Assemble Artifact
This task has the player reassemble the pieces of a broken gem like a puzzle. When the artifact is completely reassembled the task is complete.
(Currently No Guide)
Buy Beverage
In this task the player is given an image of a beverage to order from the vending machine, after locating the beverage and inputting the correct code, they complete the task.
(Currently No Guide)
Chart Course
In this task the player drags a ship across 4 points along the desired route on the interface to complete the task.
Chart Course task (Skeld) (Stonian) (Difficulty: or 3.5/10) - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
Base Game Tasks- Fungle
Base Game Tasks- Polus
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Additional Tasks- Skeld
Additional Tasks- MiraHQ
Additional Tasks- Polus
Additional Tasks- Airship
Additional Tasks- Fungle
I have actually been working on this, or trying too, keep having new things to do and so I dont have time anymore, mostly for forums, but even for homework im running out of time in my daily life and Im not even allowed to stay up late, so progress is slow.