Prime shields task for among us (Skeld)(Stonian)(Difficulty 3/10 đźź©)

Don’t edit this. I have made this a wiki to bypass the 30-day limit.
The prime shields task is necessary for the skeld among us map. It is also a visual task. This guide does not cover the visual part so therefore you have to make it yourself. This guide also works with @Im_Pretty_Cool’s task bar found here. To make the prime sheilds task, you need:
1 button,
2 teleporters,
10 barriers,
3 zones,
3 wire repeaters,
1 counter,
1 popup,
And 1 relay.
(Not to mention 9 wires.)
First, you want to place down a button. The settings:
Message: Prime shields
When pressed broadcast on: Prime shields task
Deactivate on: Shields done
Those are the only settings you have to change. Next, place a teleporter next to the button. The settings:
Visible in-game: No
Teleport here when receiving on: Shields done
Those are the only settings you have to change. Now, make a circular room. Place 3 white circle barriers and 3 red circle barriers down. The barriers have collision turned off. Now, place 3 zones over the red barriers. Keep the settings the same. Now place 3 wire repeaters close to the zones. Wire zone 1 to wire repeater 1. Player enters zone=> repeat the pulse. Wire wire repeater 1 to zone 1. Repeat the pulse => deactivate zone. do that to every zone. Ex. Zone 2 is wired to wire repeater 2. Now, wire zone 1 to red barrier 1. Zone entered => Deactivate barrier. Do this for all of the barriers and zones. Next, place 3 green circle barriers over the red ones. The barriers have collision turned off and are deactivated at game start. Wire zone 1 to green barrier 1. Zone entered => activate barrier. Do that for the rest of the zones and the barriers. Finally, place a counter. It’s settings:
Visible in-game: No
Use target value: Yes
Target value: 3
Now, wire all of the zones to the counter. Zone entered => Increment counter. Wire the counter to a popup. Target reached => open popup. The popup’s settings:
Header text: Task done!
When the popup is closed, transmit on: Shields done
Next, place a relay. It broadcasts on “Task done” when receiving on “Shields done”. Its audience is a random person. Finally, place a teleporter in the room with the barriers. it is invisible in-game and you are teleported there when receiving on “Prime shields task”. And that’s it! You are done! :tada: If you wanted to make this a visual task, just make something activate in the shields room when receiving on “Shields done”. Here is a picture of when it is done:


This was one of the last tasks not done. Nice!

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Nice job!

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Nice guide!

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Nice Guide!
I think you could do the visual task using flashing lights.

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