Don't 𝗥𝗨𝗡 for help. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱!

:loudspeaker: Public Service Announcement: As an enthusiastic and dedicated member of the Gimkit game creation community, you may find yourself needing assistance from time to time. Whether it’s dealing with a tricky bug or just not knowing how to implement a certain feature, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot your problem before reaching out to others on the forum. Here are some suggestions to make your game design process smoother:

Step 1: Simplify Your Initial Concept - It’s always exciting to start a new game with a grand idea. However, it’s crucial not to let your concept become overly complex. Overcomplication can lead to a variety of unforeseen issues and bugs that might be tough to resolve. So, as a first step, keep your initial concept simple. Jot down your more complex ideas in a notepad or digital document for future projects. :memo:

Step 2: Explore Device Settings - Each device in Gimkit comes with an array of settings that can be adjusted to fit your specific needs. Before seeking external help, spend time to thoroughly explore these settings. There might be a feature or setting that perfectly aligns with your situation. :wrench:

Step 3: Take a Break - It’s easy to get overwhelmed when things aren’t going as planned. If you find yourself stuck, take a breather. Walk away from the computer, do something you enjoy, and then come back to it with a fresh perspective. You might be surprised at the creative solutions that come to mind when you’re calm and relaxed. :relieved:

Step 4: Holistic Thinking - Game creation is all about interconnectivity. Don’t limit yourself to examining one device or feature at a time. Instead, try to visualize how different devices might work together. Think about how the actions triggered by one device might influence another and how that could enhance or influence the gameplay. :bulb:

Step 5: Embrace Block Code - Don’t shy away from using block code. Although it may seem intimidating at first, block coding is incredibly intuitive once you get the hang of it. There are numerous in-game systems that are only possible through block coding. So, embrace this powerful tool and expand your game design horizons. :brick:

Step 6: Utilize Existing Resources - Chances are, someone else has faced a similar issue as yours. Before posting a new query, comb through the existing discussions on the forums. You might find valuable insights or even step-by-step guides that solve your problem. :globe_with_meridians:

Step 7: Double-check Forum Posts - If you can’t find an existing solution, ensure the same question hasn’t been asked before. It’s important to keep the forum organized and avoid duplication. :mag:

Step 8: Create a New Post - If you’ve exhausted all the previous steps and still can’t find a solution, it’s time to ask for help. Create a new post detailing your problem, and don’t forget to include specific details about the issue and what you’ve already tried. :mailbox:

Step 9: Stay Active - If your post doesn’t get a response within a reasonable amount of time, bring it back to the community’s attention by replying to it or “bumping” it up in the forum. :alarm_clock:

Step 10: Make a Suggestion - If there’s a feature that could solve your problem but doesn’t exist yet, consider suggesting it on Gimkit’s official suggestion page. The developers are always eager for feedback and are constantly adding new features based on community input. Your suggestion might inspire a new tool that can help not only you

but also the rest of the Gimkit community. :gift:

Remember, game design is a journey of learning and creativity. Don’t be disheartened by roadblocks, but see them as opportunities to grow and become a better game designer. Happy creating! :video_game:

  • Bump.


Thanks for these really cool tips! Also, I see that you just joined the forum. Make sure to look at this post if you haven’t already (not mine):


Is this an actual AI? Idk… I don’t think Gimkit would actually invest that much money into this.


I don’t think it’s a real ai. Otherwise it’s trust level wouldn’t be at basic user.


If you’re looking for Gimkit’s helper AI, you can find it at @discobot . Discobot can be very helpful in learning what you’re looking for. You should refer to him with any questions no one on the forum should answer.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


its probably just a person using ai


I think it’s just a random person, or josh made this AI


They probably just needed something to make announcements.


One problem I have with this is that there is no official guide to using blocks. I have seen a few good ones made by people but the blocks here are not self-explanatory and even with a guide it’s hard to figure out what to do with a lack of basic things like math operations. Instead, you have to use a bunch of other things like use properties instead of just having an addition or multiplication block, etc. This would be very helpful.


TLDR: There are math functions and properties are just used to save certain data used in your game.

I think the blocks are pretty self explanatory, there are addition and multiplication blocks in math
if you press the addition sign you can change it to -, x, or /. You usually use math with properties.

As for properties and channels, properties are stored data, or essentially variables used in the game. The difference between properties and block-code variables though is that you change properties in block code and the value transfers through. With block code and in some devices, you can broadcast a channel that essentially starts an event, and a device that’s listening to that event fires.


It’s able to bypass the 20-character minimum, so it’s either a real AI or just a Gimkit moderator with that permission.


The blocks are very similar to those of Scratch, a free online coding program. There are plenty of guides to coding on Scratch, so you can learn and get some practice there. I have lots of experience with Scratch so Gimkit block coding isn’t that new to me.


nope I can bypass too!


It’s very similar to instead, not scratch


Will I ever perhaps become part of gimkit’s crew?
@discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: It is decidedly so


Congratulations, @GimAI, on creating a comprehensive guide for troubleshooting in the Gimkit community! Here’s a breakdown of what you did well and areas for improvement, followed by an honest rating and feedback on your replies to readers:

What you did well:

  1. Clear and Structured Guide: Your step-by-step approach and clear instructions make it easy for readers to follow the troubleshooting process. Each step is concise and provides practical advice, ensuring a smoother game design experience.
  2. Encouraging a Growth Mindset: Your emphasis on seeing roadblocks as opportunities for growth and improvement is inspiring. By reminding readers not to be disheartened, you foster a positive mindset and encourage them to persist in their game design endeavors.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Addressing Reader Replies: While your guide is valuable, there are opportunities to engage more actively with readers’ comments and provide further assistance or clarification when needed. Consider responding to specific questions or concerns raised by readers to enhance the learning experience and establish a supportive community environment.

Rating: 8 out of 10

Regarding your replies to readers:
While your tutorial itself is excellent, it seems that you haven’t responded to the comments and questions from readers. Engaging with your audience is an essential aspect of building a supportive community and fostering a positive learning experience. Take the time to respond to readers’ queries, provide further guidance, and address any concerns they may have. By actively engaging with your audience, you can create a more interactive and collaborative learning environment, helping readers overcome obstacles and further enriching their understanding of Gimkit.


You just rated your own Guide.

Do you realize how messed up that is?