What should be the game I make?

will check soon but, need your opinion.

Make a new game, protect the vip, last slot of my 3, or remake my other map, Gimnite.

  • Protect The V.I.P, start developing it!
  • Go remake Gimnite! (It’s very bad/not good or mid.)
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I am busy so, will check soon in like 3 hours.


I would change the post title to what game should i make?
but i think protect the v.i.p game would be nice…

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i made a game called infiltrate but i need for of a certain lvl to publish it sadly

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alright, sounds good. Checking back in. So I’ll do this, then go remaster Gimnite after I finish protect the v.ip.

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Welcome @PLAYER1! Hope you enjoy the forums. And @Txme_Lxss, you can use some of my guides for mechanics.

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ive been thinking of trying to make of a boss battle game where one player becomes a juggernaut like being.


Welcome to the forums!

If you want to learn more about how GKC works, this guide should help!

Block code could also help you when working on your maps, so it’s a good idea to learn how it works!

This forum is for getting help on your GKC maps, but always make sure to search before you post!

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I hope you enjoy your time here! We’re always ready to help in whatever we can!


I think I should be good. Now, I’ma close this.

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