Game ideas for a challenging game!

no theres no trolling involved

wait a sec, you can get out in this guide tho…

Make a chasing game where there are players that all start at a spot, then run away from a tagger that is slightly faster than everyone and have some difficult parkour

If you're ok with this

How old are you? You do not have to answer this question if you’re uncomfortable, but I do have my reasons for asking, I’m not some creep lol

good idea! @bob_the_tomato !! for the one way out in plat

Wait so are you going to make it a one way out but in plat?

yes and its coming out soon…
with ideas i can make my game harder.

the game is called Test #1

Wait, so do the hallway, it’s possible to get through, but difficult

what how?

so what’s the theme of the game

plat link

good idea but my game is an tower obby…

Here are some more traps. Tehehehehe

No trolling!!!

make it the more high you are (climbing) the more harder it gets

just my game needs to be hard and I do not like trolling

they said no trolls

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What about some type of parkour tag? If you fall or get tagged, you’re out!

If you're ok with this question

How old are you? You don’t have to answer this question, but I wouldn’t ask without a reason.

im making a game for that too.
but not the game we are talking about. @Fulcrum-19

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how about you make these barrier jump sliders (without the lasers) blackhole made? i’ll give you the discovery map to you to see how it looks like (it’s really difficult)