The Flood of Notifications [ šŸ˜ˆ ]

Hi! This idea was first mentioned here:

Now, Iā€™m making a guide on it.

You will need:
Notification 1x
Trigger 1x
Button/Game Overlay 1x

Sorry, but I canā€™t add screenshots at the moment.

Set the Notification to this:
Type: Error
Title: :smiling_imp:
Content: You got trolled!

Make the Notification to be sent when receiving on ā€œNoltTrollā€

Have a Button/Game Overlay transmit on that very channel when pressed.

Have a trigger receive on ā€œNoltTrollā€, and transmit on ā€œNoltTrollā€ when it is triggered. A Trigger Loop!

Now, Notifications are going to keep flooding your screen!
Have fun!


Can we please stop posting trap guides?


nice but only if this was in real lifeā€¦

also i thought there werenā€™t any notification types (oh well, i have to go doā€¦ a thing)

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Nice guide!

Why? There really fun to add


Nice guide, but why canā€™t you add pics?

She might not have access to gkc

I do. I just donā€™t have the time right now.


Because thereā€™s too many trap guides, and theyā€™re too easy to make. People can make notification spam or teleportation to sentries without much thought required.

I think we could stop making the guides, but add them, instead, to my Ultimate Guide, then.


That would be cool


wellā€¦ it works. I used 4 different notifications for 4 different locations for added chaosā€¦


Will it stop after a period of time, or does it go on forever?

[something off-topic]

I am now TL2 :sunglasses:


Why not? (are they being used against you?..)

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I donā€™t care about using them lol. Itā€™s just that theyā€™re too easy to make and thereā€™s too many. Like on of them if literally just teleporting to sentries.


This is perfect :smiling_imp:

How about we stop making theseā€¦because we already have a mega guide from @Blizzy she made a good wiki anyone can edit with permissionā€¦and things like this are just clutter adding duplicate things when we already have a wiki on traps and trolls like this where these can be addedā€¦from now on if we make these we should just post them on Blizzyā€™s post and ask her to add itā€¦
is that kinda what you were getting at @getrithekd ?
and btw I donā€™t mean this specifically i mean other posts like thisā€¦i mean this is a newer one that we have not seen before and I think it is better than other add popup guidesā€¦


i think getrithekd and blackhole and the smart gimkitters said something about infinite recursion being impossible, so according to that it would indeed eventually end

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If you add a delay, itā€™s forever.

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ah okay
i wasnā€™t sure