We get a lot of post on the forum asking why their game won’t show up in Discovery. Well there are a few reasons why that may be. So I made this much needed guide with the help of others to help inform you on a few reasons why you can’t find your game.
Publishing Reasons
- Have numbers in the description
- Has Cuss Words
- Has the following words in the game/description/title: Join, Code, Live
- Not searching part of the Description
- Has live code in the game or game description
- Has a copyrighted Thumbnail or name
- Doesn’t follow the Community Rules for Publishing with Gimkit Creative
In-game Reasons
- Representation of gore or violent content
- Includes mature content, or content that wouldn’t be acceptable to be viewed in a classroom setting.
- Violence
- Copyright
Possible Fixes
1.Depublish and Republish the game after removing that stuff.
If your game is still not there check here to see if it violates any of the rules and if you still can’t find it email hello@gimkit.com the people on here can’t do anything, we aren’t the mods.