Map isn't even searchable

Republished twice.

Extra words.

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to do extra words, just put random words in between these signs: <>

didn’t notice I actually put works instead of words thanks @DriftUknown_YT

just type <> with smth random in it for extra word

:nerd_face: Um, actual I think its positively “words” :nerd_face:


Well, I don’t know what to tell you. In my game, I landmark them meaning when people look up “GMZ” in the search bar people can access my games.

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so you can see it?


why must I be ignored sometimes ._.


We read you, we just don’t respond. :slight_smile:


yeah it only appears when i search mild

I can see my published map, so no. Unless it only sometimes happens

also, i cant seem to find my map myself, but my game got plays

well then idk what the problem with discovery is we gotta find out sooner or later… right?

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Maybe try logging out and back in? Or searching for it when you are logged out to see if it appears (which it should since other people have found it as seen above)

Try searching by a keyword in the description, or make a keyword for it.


Ah, really? I had atleast 2 other people search it up, and it never came up for them, how odd??

Nice game btw, it’s fire. Anyways, you search by description, not title.

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