How to make a voting system (old guide from last forum)

Hey, this is my first somewhat big project on how I made a voting device because I have seen many people wanting to make this for their Among Us game.

  1. SPECTATOR: PLAYER WILL BE PUT ON SPECTATOR WHEN PLAYER IS KNOCKED OUT Place down a “Life Cycle” device and choose “Player Knocked Out”, “When Event Occurs, transmit on” **name that “**PlayerIsSpectator”. Place a team switcher down, “Switch Strategy” select specific team and choose “Spectator” team. “Switch to configured team when receiving on” name that you channel that you put for the “Life Cycle” device.
    Click the gear icon on the bottom left of your screen. Click “Map Options” then “Teams” set teams to be cooperative and if you want go to “Score” and don’t show leaderboard if you don’t want the leaderboard shown.
    Place down a “Counter” device, go to “Target” and change that to then number of players that you expect to enter the game (Ex: if set to 2 then once trigged twice it will respawn the player). Place down a “Trigger” (TRIGGER 1, THIS IS FOR THE BARRIER) locate “Trigger Delay” and set that to the number of seconds before a player can vote again. Place down another “Trigger” device (TRIGGER 2, THE VOTING TRIGGER) “When triggered, transmit on” name that “ActivateCoolDown”, “Trigger when receiving on” name that “Lockself”, “Activate On Game Start” set that to “no”, “Activate when reciving on” name that “SendWarningNotification”. Place down the last “Trigger device” (TRIGGER 3, THE COUNTER RESETER) “Trigger delay” to the number of seconds you want before the “Counter” device resets the number of votes, “Visible in game” select “no”, “Trigger by player collision” select that to “no”.
  4. Place down a “Barrier” device and change the size to your liking by clicking on it the looking at the bottom left of your screen. “Activate On Game Start” set to “no”, “Activate Scope” set to “Player”, “Activate When Receiving On” set that to “ActivateCoolDown”. Don’t get confused here, the first trigger (TRIGGER 1, THIS IS FOR THE BARRIER) wire > (Triggered → Deactivate Barrier).
  5. Place down a “Checker” device “When the check fails, transmit on” name that to “PlayerIsSpectator”, “Check type” select “Score Amount”, “Comparison” select “Equal To”, “Value” is the number of votes you want before the player is eliminated. WIRING: Counter > Wire > Checker > (Target Value Reached → Run Check)
  6. Place down a “Relay” device “Relay Audience” select “Random Player On Specific Team” then select “Team 2”, “Relay Channel” input “RandomPlayer”. WIRING: Trigger (TRIGGER 2, THE VOTING TRIGGER) > Wire > Relay > (Triggered ->Trigger Relay) | WIRING: Relay > Wire > Counter > (Relay Trigger → Increment Counter) | WIRING: Trigger (TRIGGER 2, THE VOTING TRIGGER) > Wire > Trigger (TRIGGER 3, THE COUNTER RESETER) > (Triggered -> Trigger**)**
  7. Place down a “Notification” device, “Send notification when receiving on” input “RandomPlayer”. Then select “Blocks” at the left of your screen “When reciving on channel…” name the channel “RandomPlayer”. Then copy the blocks used and change it to your liking:

  1. Place down TWO zones and TWO team switchers. WIRING: Zone > Wire > Team Switcher (Player enters zone → Switch Player to configured team) do this for both of the devices. Then place down TWOSpawn Pads”, for one of the spawn pads do “Using During Phase” select “Game”, “Allowed team” select “Team 2”. Do the same thing for the other “Spawn Pad”, but change “Use During Phase” to “All” and select “Team 1” for this “spawn pad”. Place Team 1’s spawn in Team 1’s zone and do the same for Team 2’s spawn.
  2. Don’t know if I forgot, but if I did do this: WIRING: Trigger (TRIGGER 3, THE COUNTER RESETER) > Wire > Counter > (Triggered > Reset Counter).
  3. Put ONE barrier around Team 2’s zone, “Activate On Game Start” select “no”, “Activate when receiving on” input “SendWarningNotification”, “Deactivate when receiving on” input “DeactivateBarrier”, “Visible in game” set to no or yes if you want the barrier to be seen in game. Duplicate the barrier FOUR times around the zone the best you can then more wiring!!! WIRING: x4 | Trigger (TRIGGER 3, THE COUNTER RESETER) > Wire > Barrier > (Triggered → Deactivate Barrier) remember do this FOUR TIMES this makes it so if the counter resets the player is able to get out and go to team 1’s zone and get back on the normal team and no one can continue to vote on that player.

So, yea basically this took me around 1 day to think of which a lot and I is hope you like it and remember you can always make changes to it if you don’t like what I have put as default. Also, if you couldn’t tell I kind of random out of Bold Text motivation and I’ll probably and that later on, but for now, enjoy!

If you have any comments about something not working post them and I’ll try to answer ASAP. Please like this post as more people can see it :D, have a nice day!


How do you turn a player to spectator?

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There’s a team switcher device that can be used to change the team that a player is assigned to - one of those options is Spectator.


Thank You

make a youtube video for this or atleast a normal video

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How do you use voting system?

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@youare2… can you try making an easier to understand guide? Like add some pictures and stuff like that? And explain what the system will do?


It seems people are confused, so I suggest you put in more screenshots. Also, while the information is clear the formatting is a bit hard to understand for complete beginners, so I suggest you slow down on each explanation and say what each step does.

Just some constructive criticism. Great guide! :]


Then for this, would team 2 be the imposter’s team or the crewmate’s team?


neither. it’s the team for people who haven’t been voted on yet. read the guide, it switches them back to team 1 later.

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If this switches them back to team 1 later, then what if the imposter was switched back to team 1?


And how would you cast a vote on the player you wish to cast a vote from in-game?


read the guide buddy


In which part? If the imposter was switched to a different team, the thing seems to switch the imposter back to team 1, which would be team crewmate?


Also, it appears you cast a vote by pressing the trigger. However, this system would only work for 1 person at a time, and not for an entire group.


Can someone show how this system works in-game for voting for a player?


no idea. i hope someone makes an easier to understand one or a video.



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I made a voting system that I think is better than this, with the downside of being limited to a finite number of players. Should I make a guide on it?


I think many people would appreciate that. Make sure to acknowledge this guide first.

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