Standardizing Difficulties

I was rating the guide, not the difficulty.

I think this could be made into an acronym INSPECT, someone just needs to find something for N like Novel or something

That’s kinda genius…

I don’t think that we should have both conceptual and theoretical, since they’re the same things.


That’s also true… So T and N

here this is what @NavyCatZ said in the how to make a voting system u quoted it from. it not just how u understand it, it also how other understand it too!

That’s what I’m saying that we should do! I think that we should factor in how well the guide was written in the difficulty!


yeah i wanted to say that like a while ago but i feel like itd be harsh if someone said that the guide was written poorly without any proper criticism

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Well yeah… The rating would have to include what to make better.

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The N could be new. Basically, make sure you do not post the exact same thing that has been posted before. Like no reposts.

But what I’m saying is that we shouldn’t let the style of the guide contaminate the difficulty, it could be confusing.

The style of the guide won’t determine it. The style just influences how well the reader understands it, and that is what we are rating.

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Then we need to rename it and have scores based not only on conceptual difficulties but also on difficulties that arise from misinterpretations.

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Wiki now!


Congratulations! I remember it was so fast!
Welcome to @trust_level_3 @getrithekd!




So maybe a new system. It would be based on how hard the mechanism is and how hard it is to follow the guide. More on this later.


Hey, welcome to @trust_level_3, @getrithekd! I can still remember the first time you posted, your knowledge of blocks exceeded many of ours. Then, the first ritheked guide came out. I say to you this, thank you for all your work, and please, help us grow this community, as many new users have been joining, but equally, many older forum helpers have been leaving. But of course, do as you wish.


Wow, It’s already been 50 days! Congrats! Next up is Blizzy’s turn, right?

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Welcome to trust level three! The day you joined and didn’t have a pfp feels like yesterday, but look at you now! Keep up the great work!