I read them.
ok good i wanted to make sure u didn’t just started rating guides depending on the ways to write a guide. but uh good luck on the rating
The ways of writing a guide do influence how hard the guide is. Isn’t that what you are saying? With only a few elements, the guide would be very hard, even if it was like only 5 devices.
ok let me try again the rating it depends on the guide in 4 ways 1is it easy for you 2 is it hard for u 3 can u understand it and 4 are u not able to understand it and the fifth one is bonus 5 test out the guide and see if it works to improve the rating a bit if u want. but if the guides doesn’t work and u can’t figure it out u can also put that on the rating.
The way a guide is written influences how well you understand it.
yeah almost like that OH WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT IT ALSO IF OTHER CAN UNDERSTAND IT TOO alright i gotta hop off i really hopes this help!
I’m gonna once again argue the only thing that matters is how much the reader needs to understand/learn:
When typing numbers into a calculator, you aren’t doing anything difficult. I mean if I want to find the derivative of 3x^2-2x, typing it into a calculator isn’t difficult.
But actually understanding the power rule and working it out yourself is actually difficult.
Well, the how the guide is written also factors in. Props and devices have lots of menus, and new users would need to be familiar with them to easily follow the guide. However, some guides have where the options are, for newer members to be able to follow.
how would you rate a systems difficulty? if you meant comparing difficulty systems, sure, but that’s also kind of the implied point of the topic since this is a different approach to difficulties. after all, the point of the difficulty emoji things is to simplify it, and rubrics are prtty specific. i said that message though mainly as a way to understand and accurately rate guides. besides i said it directly too, out of that /nm
Hypothetically, guides need two ratings: performance and difficulty. A simple guide may become incomprehensible depending on who makes it and how. If performance is low, difficulty increases, and that is not necessarily how we want that to go sometimes. Remeber, the difficulty of the guide shows up in the title.
By performance, you mean how well it was made?
Probably. I think we need to factor in the concept and the communication level while rating the difficulty.
That would be interesting. Some guides would be much harder to learn from if people didn’t explain it well.
@getrithekd should I rate this?
It’s not a guide, so no.
I just tried to write a bad example guide here to figure out how bad writing influences difficulty, but I literally cannot figure out how to write terribly lol
take out all of your punctuation use unofficial contractions like u never capitalize anything missspel a lot never add pictures stuff like that
improper formatting, be very very vague, don’t explain why things work the way they do, being irrelevant (going off topic in the middle), incorrect or overly complicated language for no reason, and lack of examples/visuals isaac
Also make run on sentences and switch randomly from one thing to another.