GimGuy’s Name Checker And Name-Linked System And Uses [WIP] | Difficulty: 2/10


Okay, you might be wondering why I made this Before you come at me in the comments with pitchforks telling me this is unnecessary, I’m not only making new ways to use name-linked systems, but also using clear, different ways to do it. So there. And I might add more later. If you spam this is already a guide, I might quote myself for this.

Welcome To The GimGuy’s BackwardBearian Rithekd Clacian Myszian Tamian Helpian Wavian Haiasian Stomian Gimsolvian Snomayan Blizzian Name Checker System Guide!
Prepare to suffer.

Previous Guides:

==The Ultimate Mystery Game Guide== (Difficulty: :orange_square:)

== The Ultimate Randomizer Guide == (Difficulty: :green_square:)

How To Make A Unalived Message + Unalived Randomizer! :yellow_square:

== The Ultimate Guide To Fighting Games == [WIP]

And More!

Anyways, let’s get down to it. This uses the simplest of block code, and I mean so simple that a pet rock could do this. The beginning tells you how to make a name-linked system, the middle how to improve on it, and the end how to use it.


-How To Use A Name-Linked System-

Say your pal is entering your game. Say they always enter with the name “Bob.” Now imagine if you could make a system in which a player with the name “Bob” will be subject to lower speeds, a common weapon, and zero damage. This is the essence of the Name Linked System.

This also works if your class rival or teacher are entering the class map you built and you make a chamber in which only they spawn and get repeatedly knocked out by lasers. Good fun indeed.

-How To Build A Name-Linked System-

Get a block from a trigger. Yes, the one on the top left. Good.
Now make an If When block.


If - Triggering Player’s Name = “Bob
Do - Broadcast Message On Channel “ExampleChannel”

The Bob and Example Channel are text blocks. For real, it works.


No Example. It’s than easy!

-Improving On Name-Linked Systems-

This part of the guide is in two parts:

-Good Name-Linked System Uses-
These Include:

  • Giving God-Mode
  • Adding Speed/Damage
  • Giving Damage Boost And Legendary Weapon
  • Activate On Channel Only Specific Name Can Use, Like Buttons
  • Give Infinite Regen
  • Give Infinite Points
  • Give Secret Locations
  • Mark Waypoints Via Channel To Hidden Rooms
Helpful Guides If You Wanna Do This Or Something I'm Kinda Using A Lot Of Space Here Lets See If I Can Go Another Line Oh Wait I Did Wohoo It Worked This Is Going On A While No Matter What This Guide Is Like, The Name And This Very Writing Will Be The Only Thing Anyone Remembers This Is Pretty Bad I'm Stuck Typing Send Help My Address Is Springfield 14562 I'm In The Warehouse, Typing - Send Help, Someone, Anyone-

Simple Guide: Health Regeneration
How to make regenerating health :green_square:; CHECK REPLY 38 WHEN USING THIS GUIDE
On the Nature of a Waypoint: A Comprehensive Study On the Waypoint’s Biology and Its Place In the Community [WIP]
How to give yourself God Mode! [:yellow_square:]
[:pinching_hand: Mini-Guide] Secret Rooms
==The Ultimate Easter Egg Guide== (Difficulty: :orange_square:)

-Bad Name-Linked System Uses-
These Include:

  • Specific Spawn Point
  • Trapped In Prison
  • Notification Spam
  • No To Little Movement Speed
  • Very Low Damage
  • On A Seperate Team
  • Is Put On Display As A Tribute To Anyone Who Enters With The Name
  • Trapped And Can Be Grinded For Points
  • Stuck In A Popup That Can’t Be Closed
Helpful Guides

How To Make A Togglable Inescapable Prison
The Flood of Notifications [ :smiling_imp: ]
On the Nature Of the Popup: The Notification’s Older Silbling

-Using The Name-Linked / Name-Checker System-

Here Are Five Uses And How To Use Them (I May Add More):

"Player Name" Has Entered

1x Relay - Set On Player Enters Late
1x Trigger - Block

When Receiving On Channel 
"PlayerEntered Late"
Set Text "Player Name" Has Entered!
If - Player Name = Bob
Do - Set Text "Is Really Bad At This Game! Beat Him Up!"
Agent Of The Month

1x Relay - Set On Player Enters Late
1x Trigger - Block

When Receiving On Channel
"Player Entered Late"
Set Text "Agent Of The Month: 'Player Name'"

Or Just Use: How to make the agent of the month board from tag

Public Humiliation

1x Notification
1x Text
1x Teleporter
1x Speed Modifier
1x Waypoint
1x Trigger - Block

If - Player Name = Bob
Do - Activate Channel - TeleportToSadness

Everything now receives on


So They’re Trapped With A Triangle Emoji Over Their Head LIke A Dunce Cap, And A Notification Saying “PlayerName Messed Up!” A Waypoint Shows Their Location. Players Can Farm Them For Points. Fun Times.

How To Add Multiple Names In One Block
If - Player Name = Bob
Do - Broadcast On Channel "SuperWeak"

If - Player Name = Joe
Do -Broadcast On Channel "GodMode"
Pain Room
If - Player Name = Bob
Do - Broadcast On Channel "Pain" 

Teleporters Can Place Them In A Box Visible To All Players, Or Hidden, And Remove The Respawn Time So They Spawn Then Get Removed By A Laser Constantly. This is probably the simplest, but it’s… Effective.


Name-linked System (difficulty 2/10)
Backward Bear’s Rithekd Clacian Myszian Wavian Haiasian Name Checker System | Difficulty: :green_square:
How to make a Name Checker


  • Gimguy-ian

6 7 / 7


I remember when you accidently posted this



Well, I for one see nothing wrong with the
*Deep Breath

GimGuy’s BackwardBearian Rithekd Clacian Myszian Tamian Helpian Wavian Haiasian Stomian Gimsolvian Snomayan Blizzian Name Checker And Name-Linked System And Uses [WIP] | Difficulty: 2/10

It’s a perfectly reasonable name.




nothing wrong with the title

I don’t see whats wrong with the

GimGuy’s BackwardBearian Rithekd Clacian Myszian Tamian Helpian Wavian Haiasian Stomian Gimsolvian Snomayan Blizzian Name Checker And Name-Linked System And Uses [WIP] | Difficulty: 2/10

I dont see anything wrong with it


I hope you finish it

Nice name… very simple and memorable


great guide tho

GimGuy’s BackwardBearian Rithekd Clacian Myszian Tamian Helpian Wavian Haiasian Stomian Gimsolvian Snomayan Blizzian Name Checker And Name-Linked System And Uses [WIP] | Difficulty: 2/10

I wish I had that level of memorability in my guides names


The NAME!!! (But it is a good guide) WHY DO YOU LIKE “IAN” SO MUCH? THATS THE MOST Longian Weirdian Titlian Everian

Ooo epic guide.

What an-- extensive name.
Good guide. :+1:


@GimGuy , what about everyone who posts on the topic, you add their name to the title with the IAN after it

lol :rofl:



Good guide

1 Like

Me struggling to say the name in my mind, lol… Real nice guide though!


What is C-ian?
Oh, @C-C, right?
Sorry, didn’t mean to ping you.

1 Like

The GimGuy’s BackwardBearian Rithekd Clacian Myszian Tamian Helpian Wavian Haiasian Stomian Gimsolvian Snomayan Blizzian LoneWolfian Magentian C-C-Ian Unitian Celloian Ca1tsunian Name Checker And Name-Linked System And Uses [WIP] | Difficulty: 2/10]

a very catchy name

Say that 3 times fast

I cant



I like being pinged so its all good

  1. Wow… Definitely not a long title!
  2. Nice to see me included :slight_smile:
  3. Nice guide!

Rather than crediting the people in #1, which is the customary practice on forums, you decide to turn everyone’s names into adjectives and cram them into the title, which derails the meaning of the title and is borderline spam.

Furthermore, your other guides that you posted at the very beginning of #1 are irrelevant, so they are presumably unsolicited advertisements. If someone wants to check out your other guides, they can simply go to your profile page.



another to your collection

but, I disagree, @InkyDarkBird

1 Like

If you are going to disagree with an idea and not provide a reason why, your disagreement might as well be pointless.

1 Like

This name should definitely change to something good, or delete the guide, this is getting off topic, I’m out

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