[šŸ¤ Mini-Guide] Secret Rooms

Secret rooms. Where you can just kick back, relax, and put random things into your inventory (like cash berries). There are two types of secret rooms Iā€™ll be sharing, and in another post, Iā€™ll be sharing some photos of secret rooms for you guysā€™ inspo.

Button And Teleportal
This is for playable maps, as it wonā€™t work if you arenā€™t in-game. First, you want to get a button and a teleportal. The buttonā€™s settings:

The teleportalā€™s settings:
All you have to change is where it says ā€œTeleport here when receiving onā€, write ā€œteleportā€. You can make the teleportal invisible in-game if you want.
Then, just place the teleportal where you want your room. I recommend turning off collision and just running left to the edge of the world. When you return, you can just run right.

Two Teleportals
This is for non-playable, or playable. I actually donā€™t like this one very much, as anyone can just switch their teleportal to your target group and find your room. Still, Iā€™ll explain it. Itā€™s very simple, just put two teleportals with the same target group and group. Then, hide one in your ā€œmain areaā€, and put the other one somewhere in space.

I hope this post helped you!


nice guide

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Good job!

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Nice guide!

Great guide! Super easy and def using this!

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bumpity bump bump. i feel like this should be a miniguide but I ran out of editing time, can a regular edit the title to ā€˜[Mini-guidešŸ¤] Secret Roomsā€™? Thanks!


This is a great guide!
Btw its not april 1 anymore, why do u still have woltechs pfp? Not a problem, just asking

because we still in april or we forgot to change it.

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Activity Status; Online, NO MORE SCHOOL!

Sorry I needed to quote this for bioā€¦

This is the most easiest guide i have ever seen!

you dont need to do that
you can just quote one of the posts you made, change the quote content to something you want
and copy paste it to your bio

Super Cool!Maybe You can try to make a guide on how to make a bookshelf disappear and a new one appears like it moved over and there is a secret room there? Just an idea!

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(you canā€™t see me, Iā€™m in the secret room)