Hello! Today I’ll be showing you how to make a trap of pure evil!
- You’re going to want to make a 7x7 box out of terrain, it can be anything! I’m going to use Metallic (dark).
- Then make a zone and make it cover the entire 7x7 area
- Place down a speed modifier, set the configured speed to 0.1
- Wire the zone to the speed modifier, When the player enters zone → Set player to configured speed
Now whenever a player enters that zone they will go super slow!
Place down a sentry, set his health to 999 and his shield to 999, aim and fire rate to max, then give him a quantum portal. Slap him bottom of your 7x7 box.
Take the barrier , make it black and size it to fit your doorway.
Wire the zone to the barrier
Place a lifecycle,set the action to: player knocked out.
Place a team switcher, set it to a specific team and spectator.
Wire up the life cycle to the team switcher.
When a player is knocked out → set the team to spectators.
Now when eliminated a player can’t re spawn.
11. Place down another life cycle: when games start
12. Wire up that life cycle to the barrier When Event happens → deactivate barrier.
13. Wire up that same life cycle to the barrier
14. When player enters zone → activate barrier
And you’re done!
(its my fist guide, tell me if you like it in the comments, pictures are coming soon!
Even though this is a pretty original guide, I will credit @blizzy for a similar guide )