Concepts of Gimkit Creative (Wiki)

This is a wiki remake of @getrithekd’s guide.

No one is editing

(replace “No One” with your name when you edit)

Advanced Order (Difficulty Rating: 8/10)

Advanced Update Order | Difficulty: :purple_square:

The Advanced Update Order Family :purple_square:

This is the order in which things are updated.

Scope (Difficulty Rating: 7/10)

The beginner guide to scope

The Ritheked Guide on Scope

The Theory of Scope

Say we have a channel. It broadcasts to a counter when a button gets clicked. The counter updates a property, which broadcasts to a respawner. If the scope is player, the player that clicks the button will get respawned. If the scope is team, then the player’s team gets respawned. You can also use relays to change the scope. However, you can’t switch it to a specific player. However, you can give a player an item and then run a channel for everyone that check if they have that item. If they do, then it will switch them to a team. Then, you can choose that team to switch the scope to. Scope also allows for barriers blocking bullets but not people.

Combining properties with scope gives us a memory saving powerhouse. Instead of having a property for each person, we have a single property for all the players!

However, scope is a little finnicky to work with. It is often the cause of lots of bugs in code. It is pretty hard to use if you come back to your map after a few days.

Pseudo-Teaming (Difficulty 5-8)

The Art of Classical Psuedo Teaming: A Comprehensive Guide

Pseudo teaming is using items to team players, instead of using the regular team function. This allows for teams to have richer interactions than before! One of the most famous examples of pseudo-teaming is in the Gimkit replications of Among Us. This can also be changed into regular teams and back.

Concatenation (Difficulty 4)

The Art of Concatenation: Credits to @Zypheir and @Blackhole927- Difficulty 7.5/10 or :orange_square:

Concatenation reduces your block usage and tedious tasks in making complex maps like ___land or Helpian Monopoly. This a rare case of if you can use it, you should.

Coordinate Systems (Difficulty 5)

Coordinate systems can help you track where players are at and where they are going. This is the most efficient coordinate system:
The Tamian Coordinate System | Difficulty: :yellow_square: (Version 2.0)
This one uses as little zones as possible, but it is a little harder to work with.

Here is a more basic but MUCH more memory-intensive coordinate system:
The Tamian Coordinate System | Difficulty: :yellow_square: (See: Updated)

This one is just plainly easier to work with, but if the first one uses n zones, the second one use n^2 zones!

Devices Systems (Difficulty 3/10-1/10)

How to make a time that starts when game start
How to make a simple teleporter!
How to Make a Simplified Bed Breaking System <-for bedwars

Credits: @awesomeT43, @getrithekd, @Haiasi @Pandapants2000


Nice! This’ll help! I especially like how you added much more than just the link.



  • _ is editing

  • credits section at the end of the guide

  • added some guides in the scope section


Wait, who is put on the credits section?

The people that helped create the guide.

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Bump. I’ll make a backup of this guide.



wait, why was I credited, what did I do?

I honestly don’t remember. You probably made one of the linked topics.

Bump very useful guide.

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Fixed this one as well…