The Theory of Scope

I’ve already made a guide on scope. So why am I doing this? Well, its to share some ways of thinking about scope that aren’t included in the original guides.

Here’s my guide:

Here is the main concept: global scope can be thought of as all the player scopes added together. This is called the concept of scope stream. So, a global scope channel is broadcasting at player scope for ALL PLAYERS. Another concept: When you include conditionals and player or scoped properties, you split the scope stream into parts! The teams or players that make it through now have player or team scopes! Now relays can both broaden and make the scope smaller.

Why is this way of thinking useful? It provides structure to the idea of scope conversions. Now we have a definite way of thinking about scope; the theory of scope is now complete. Let me know if I should add anything to this guide!


It reminds me of taking partial sums of a series. If you add all the partial sums up, you end up with the series itself.


Like the first n terms? I like that this post is off to a good start in terms of on topicness.

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Yep. Using pseudo-teaming, we can create pseudo-scope by instead of taking partial sums using proportions, we take partial sums of any size.


Pseudo-scope has been invented long ago. It’s the part of pseudo-teaming that makes it work.



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Wow, two @getrithekd scope guides! Nice job!



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Should I add a part on how to use the theory of scope or to pick certain players? Also I want ideas for a game that uses some sort of pseudo properties, scope stream, player ids (they go with scope stream), maybe AUO, and indexing.

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What’s that?

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Autocorrect happened.



scoped bump

why am i being escorted off-stage