How to make a moving sentry boss [Patched šŸ˜­]

Nice guide!

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Very nice guide! Couldnā€™t you wire the sentries to deactivate each other when knocked out?

tried that they just kept respawning, I had to deactivate the zones to prevent them from spawning

My bad i did the guide wrong I fixed it now with the bolded words

my battle royale map could use this for the more difficult bosses but Iā€™m really lazy right now

Hello! Instead of using a tag, place an emoji in your title to indicate the difficulty of the guide!

This doesnā€™t work anymore, right?

I think so :sob:


what does bbsi mean?
Bring Back Sentry Inhostility?
Buy Big Silver Ingots?


Bring back sentry interactionsā€¦
Mods removed them

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ahhā€¦ 75% right :[. Thank You!

Please add pics! Iā€™m have trouble understanding it without pics.

Do you see how the title says (Patched) in it? That means it doesnā€™t work anymore. Josh took out sentry interactions, because he said that he didnā€™t add them on purpose. Now that theyā€™re removed, it doesnā€™t work.

Sadly, another #bbsi


What was sentry interaction?

Dropdown to unonebox the links to make it shorter although it is still quite long

Actually, it was Device-Sentry interactions. (DSI)

Check out these posts/topics
Sentry shenanigans
Stationary Projectiles - #31 by ClicClac
The Sentry, Our Friend, Friendly No Longer
The Ultimate Guide to Sentries! [Patched]
(Patched) Mini Guide - How to remove sentry gadgets
(Patched) How to Make a Sentry Move while carrying damage over! (šŸŸ©)

To sum it up, people realized sentries were able to interact with devices (one of the first or the first devices people to interact with sentries were zones through the no-fire zone setting) so then, people came up with a theory and people made posts about if sentries were able to interact with devices and the theory was confirmed.
Then, people discovered that they could also interact with other devices such as Props, Teleporters, Relays and Item Granters.
(Teleporters, Relays and Item Granters are secondary devices that affect sentries as they donā€™t affect sentries directly, but can affect sentries when an event happens causing it to run an action)


So using the no-fire zones you could make ā€œfriendlyā€ sentries?

Yeah, killable sentries that couldnā€™t kill you as long as you werenā€™t standing in the no-fire zone because that would also disable your weapon. (not the same as here_to_helpā€™s guide)


sigh all in the past.


I know this is off- topic but I have to askā€¦ HOW MANY PROFILE PICTURES DO YOU HAVE???