Full Guide to Terrain: Layers and Erasing tips (🟩)

This guide is meant to help you master terrain and make terraining more efficient!

First and foremost, there are a few ways to set terrain. You can go into the map settings to set a background terrain that you will use for the majority of the floor/background like so:

OR, you can use the terrain tool:

Currently, there are 46 terrain types to choose from; however, the developers of Gimkit (Josh and Jakub) might decide to add more at some point.

Select one of these. You’ll see many options: layers, brush size, and terrain type. We’ll go over layers later. Besides that, a quick shortcut to go from floor to wall is the shift key. Then, just drag to create terrain.

If you need to cover a very large area that’s out of camera view, use a larger brush, give yourself a larger camera view, and increase your speed. Then, start moving in one direction and spam clicks. This will help you cover a large area quickly. And if you need to cover smaller areas, click when you’re certain you have it precisely. Mostly basic stuff.

Note that if you accidentally place terrain on one layer that you don’t want, you’ll need to erase it and replace it, rather than just replacing it normally, which means you’ll probably want to be precise.

Erasing in Gimkit is very, very tedious. You have to click a block one by one. Or do you? If you choose the Terrain eraser mode, these are the settings you see:
Screenshot 2023-05-26 6.49.54 PM

Obviously eraser size will help you erase. However, if you look at the layers, you’ll see options of Top Layer, All Layers, and then layers 1-5.

The Top Layer and All Layer modes are the only one in which you cannot drag the eraser like you can when placing terrain. This makes these, for the most part, the most inefficient. If you placed all your terrain in layer 3, use the layer 3 to erase so that you can drag the eraser.

Layers are probably the most complex thing I’ll mention. However, using them correctly can make the difference from a horrible-looking map to an amazing one. Take, for example, the following comparison:

In the first one, you can’t even tell what’s happening; the terrain is all merged. However, in the second one, you can see walls and the Spaceship Interior terrain no longer looks merged with the Space terrain. Layers help you add borders and special edges.

This is a comparison of tiles:

The first row is normal Concrete. The second is Plastic (Red). The third shows them right next to each other on the same layer. The fourth is when they’re on different layers. If you put two tiles on different layers, both of their borders are shown.

Even though the fourth one might be slightly better than the third, the concrete outline kind of ruins it. To remove the outline of only one of the tiles, you have to put it as the lower layer and, underneath the other set of tiles (in this case the red plastic), you will put any tile.

When placing the bottom tiles, however, note that wall tiles will show up above floor tiles. When layering, the best option is to always use floor tiles for under layers.
Screenshot 2023-05-26 7.13.36 PM
Screenshot 2023-05-26 7.14.50 PM

Getting better! However, in this case, and some others, you can see the corners. There is no way to actually fix this, so instead, you’ll have to increase the size of the other row:
Screenshot 2023-05-26 7.22.17 PM

And that’s the gist of layering! Obviously there’s a lot more to be learned but this is the basics.

Hopefully this guide helped! Comment any questions you have bellow!


This is a very good guide


This will help people to make better-looking maps! Thanks for making this guide!


This is a guide that we all need to see more!


A lot of old guides are coming back!


On phone (not sure about computer), at the bottom of every post is five random posts. Usually, they are from 25 ish days ago. All I do is bump them.




I knew this by learning on my own, but great guide, @Anonymous! This will be really helpful for new people in the community. Therefore, bump.


Bumpy bump bump


What does a person say when everyone wants to see a guide?


I tripped over a layer… bump.


Bump cuz why not


I feel like more people need to see this because no one knows how to use layers


this is one of the best guides i’ve ever seen. ever.
oops i mislayered so i guess i have to
bump bumpity bump


Yes someone made a Guide on tiles :smiley_cat:


Well-Layered Bump


is there a layer that is above the player?


only in props


ok :neutral_face:


Bump, and, I use layers ALL the time, if you look at my games, you will see how much layers I use.

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