[ đź“° Resources] Resources for 2.5D/3D [3d-art]

Continuing the discussion from {Resources :newspaper: } 2.5d build guides:



Ooo nice :newspaper: resource!

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Nice Resource Page, @twofoursixeight!

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This is a good resource page!

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Why so many resources?

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Because I was easily able to produce resources for the tags.
This is also why I made this:

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That’s why you shouldn’t make it for tags. If there easy to make, they don’t need resources.

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Maybe I will edit the guide [not for the tags] so that it can be used for making resources instead of grouping tags into a topic.

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Umm…why can i edit this but not other guides? im only TL2 (thats basic user right?)

It’s a wiki(tl3 special) so anyone can edit it. And tl2 is basic.

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ok thanks

Nice resource, @twofoursixeight !