[ 📰] Resources for Baldi's Basics

[ :newspaper: ] Resources for Baldi’s Basics

:memo: Note: This wiki/resource page is for all guides related to Baldi’s Basics and not for anything unrelated or unaffiliated with the game or its content. Ask for permission before editing.

:triangular_ruler: Introduction

Just recently, there has been a breakthrough—Baldi’s Basics has finally been recognized and is in the process of becoming one of GKC’s historic game adaptations! This resource page has everything you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: need to create the high-adrenaline, heart-pumping comedic mathematician-teacher chasing game in 'Creative! Let’s get started!

Official Ultimate Guide :straight_ruler:

The Basics :heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_division_sign: :heavy_multiplication_x:

Characters :pencil2:

Others :notebook:

Conclusion :spiral_notepad:

These guides are currently being made by @California_Love, but I’m in the hopes of seeing other collaborators, (er–I mean, it’s a work in progress…) get in the spirit of making these types of guides! These are all in order, so if you want, follow along and read them all! :+1: Thanks for viewing this, and look out, because more guides are coming soon and being added! Don’t forget to view the baldis-basics tag, and more will be viewable in the Community Made Guides section, too!

Thanks for viewing the resources page for Baldi’s Basics :newspaper_roll: and, Love’s out!
:heart: :pray: Love and respect to you all!


Really Good! but isn;'t there already a baldis basic wiki or thing in the forums?

I keep forgetting to make my topics wikis! :man_facepalming:
By the way, no, that’s only the ultimate guide.
It does link to guides related to each step, though.

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Whoops, thats a guide by @California_Love , nvm

Also, nice wiki @California_Love , maybe it’ll become more expansive later on.

We have a tag for this. We don’t make resources, since they are rendered useless by tags, unless the resource guide synthesizes all the guides together.


Well, yeah, I guess that’s what I’m doing.
By the way, being honest, @getrithekd, people don’t really pay attention to tags, although they should, but I’m promising that this would be the last resource page I would make, but that’s just me.

And, yes, I understand, as I was already advised why, but there are lots of these guides, and it’s good to have them in one place instead of scrolling through the tag section.

I’m putting them in order, here, too.

Also, thanks, because you were the one who made the tag, baldis-basics for me.


Or is like what mysz does and is not tags and is just hard stuff or other things without tags.

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no bumping in the halls
detention for you
when will you learn

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