Quest Ideas ⁉ (Wiki)

Quest Ideas :interrobang:

In this wiki I will be showcasing tons of quest ideas for your Gimkit maps!

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Quest ideas made by the community:

Sick Friend

Sick Friend


NPC:cough cough
You: “Are… Are you Okay?”
NPC: "cough… Thanks, but no. I’ve been feeling very sick lately and I’ve heard of a magic plant up north that could help. Could you go get some for me?
1st possible response: “Yeah, sure. Anything for a friend!” (an acceptance)
2nd possible response: "No, sorry. I’m busy right now. (a decline)


Your friend is very sick and the only way to help them is to go collect a magical herb from the mountains


You go collect the magic herb, cook it into some broth, and help your friend get better.


A special or better weapon/item (than what was previously had, of course).

Quest By: @gimkit_h4ck3r


(title is combination of fish and issues)



NPC : hey can i get some help?
You : elaborate please?
NPC : i dropped 5 gimfish in this lake can you search for them?
You : how i cant breath underwater
NPC : you can buy diving gear over there
You :
1st possible response: Sure why not.
2nd possible response: Why dont you do it?


Someone dropped their fish in a lake


you find their fish with the diving gear you bought


100 currency (diving gear cost 25 currency)
Quest by Quimblo

Reality Tear

Reality Tear


NPC: “Help! Help!”
You: “What Happened?!?!”
NPC: "I accidentally tore a hole in the fabric of reality “I knew I shouldn’t have used that magic sharpening stone on my (Insert sharp thing here), Dang it”:
1st possible response: “I need to help before the world is utterly destroyed” (an acceptance)
2nd possible response: "Ummmm… I have to get out of here: (a decline)




Find the two Reality Anchors (Any prop you want) and use them to shut the tear


A Special Mechanic that can be used later in the game such as instantly killing a mini-boss by moving the anchors and a legendary Quantum Portal
Created by: Zer0

Lost Fortune

Lost Fortune


NPC: " Help! They’re getting away!! "
You: " What’s going on? "
NPC: " They have stolen the most important artifact that we have in this town! "
You: " Which is that? "
NPC: " They have the heavy shards! Can you help us get them back? "
You: 1st possible response: " Yes. I’ll get them back "
2nd possible response: " No. I can’t help with that. "


The greatest artifact in their town has been stolen.


You go on a quest with clues to see where it is hidden.


300 Cash goes to the player by the mayor of the town.
Quest by: leo_flowers

Strange Energy Source

NPC:“Hi, there has been something bothering me these past few days. Could you help me?”
You:“What is it?”
NPC:“Come with me to the well.”
They go to the well.
NPC:That green shining thing.
You:Gasp! is that an energy source?
NPC:I have no idea what you are talking about, but could you get that out? I am afraid to drink from the well, which is my daily source of water…
You: 1st Possible Response: “Sure!”
2nd Possible Response: “Sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”

Defeating DoD

You:“What’s going on?”
NPC:“It’s our long standing enemy, the DoD and the WoD!”
You:“Oh no! Wait, isn’t that the one group with @Blizzy as the leader?”
NPC:“Yup! I heard that they were the fiercest dragons in the Gimverse…”
You:"I thought they were the only dragons…
NPC:“Anyways, will you please help us?”
You: 1st Possible Answer: “No Problem! This will be a piece of cake.”
Second Possible Answer:“Nah, I think I’ll chill and watch the whole fight play out.”

The Racer

NPC: You want to race
You: I want to race, and I’ll beat your time.
NPC: Nobody can beat my time, and I bet you can’t either.
Option 1: Watch me then.
Option 2: I give up.


Someone wants to race you, but they turn out to cheat.


1: You just don’t race them and waste your time.
2: You prove that playing fair and square wins in the end.


1: Nothing
2: You win, get braging rights, prove the other guy that winning fair and square always wins, and 1000 cash.
Quest By: Captain-Gim.

Delivery Driver

NPC: No, no, no, no! This can’t be happening!
You: What’s wrong?
NPC: I’m supposed to deliver these three items (Insert three items here) throughout the town by (certain time), but my (vehicle name here) got a flat tire and now I don’t know what to do!
Alternate Response: Ok, calm down. Let me see what I can do.
You: Ok, what can I do to help?
NPC: Can you deliver the three items for me? I’ll give you the locations of the houses, and you just have to deliver them.
You: Sure.
NPC: Thank you so much! Oh, and remember to deliver them all by (time here)
Alternate Response: laughs With the way I drive, I can do it in one second.
You: Alright. I got this.


20 in-game currency (30 if you get it done faster than the time limit.)
NPC: Thank you for helping me deliver those items!
You: No Problem
NPC: As a reward, here is 20 (or 30) (Insert In-Game Currency)

J0ining WON

NPC: Have you heard of WON before?
You: Nope, not a clue, who are they?
NPC: They are the World Organization of Non-animals (With the 3 exeptions of half-animal, gim, and human). You must be a TL2, non-animal (again with the exeptions), The leader is Captain-Gim. You can j0in if you want.
You: Option 1: Yes
Option 2: No


You don’t know what WON is and don’t know if you should j0in.


You j0in (Only if you non-animal with exeptions above).


You become part of a sorta new group led by Captain-Gim which will do it’s best for the better forum and creating a good team of people for winning.
Quest By: Captain-Gim

Bully's Quest

Bully’s Quest

NPC: Hey you!
You: Oh no! You’re that famous Bully!
NPC: Ah, you’ve heard about me. Well, then it’ll be easier for you to accept my request.
You: Wait, what request?
NPC: Stop being impatient! I’m telling you now! So, basically, the Principal has this big stash of cash in his office safe.
You: No! I’m not stealing from the Principal!
NPC: Well, if you don’t, I’m afraid I’ll have to kill you. Can’t have loudmouths talking about my thing. And if you tell anyone… It’s not gonna be a pretty ending, I tell you. And that would be pretty fun for me.
NPC: Listen, if you do it, I’ll give you a third of the cash.
You: I’ll do it (Acceptance)
No way! (Decline) You get killed

A Bully wants you to steal cash. Die or Do it.

Steal the cash without getting found.

A Third of the Cash you steal.

Quest by: Blizzy

Sore Throat

Sore Throat


NPC: “Cough cough”
You: “Why are you coughing?”
NPC: “I just caught a cold and my throat is really sore. Could you go get me some water from that nearby well?”
1st possible response: “Sure!”
2nd possible response: “Yeah no way…”


The NPC has caught a cold


Go over to the well or water fountain to get some water. Then, bring it back to the NPC for a reward.


A gadget like a blaster or something

Made by @Jobozo1875

Mysterious Entity

Entity: Psst…Over here!
You: What was that?
Entity: Hey! Over here!!
You: Uh, Hi?
Entity: Human! I require your help! I lost my Blaster somewhere in my ship, please go retrieve it for me!
1st Possible response: Uh yeah, sure I can help you out!
2nd Possible response: No way! You’ll probably kill me right after! I’m calling 911!!

The entity has lost his blaster

Go into the ship and retrieve the blaster

Gain access of alien ship and gain a blaster

Made by @C-C
Have a great day! :fox_face:

Shady hut

NPC: Hey!
You: What?
NPC: I lost my {insert valuble thing here} in the haunted hut!
Option 1: I’ll get it!
Option 2: I’m not going in there!

Problem: The NPC has lost it’s valuble thing!
Solution: Get it from the haunted shack/hut
Idea by gimmaster12345

The Essence speaks

Essence: You…come to me…
You: mindlessly walks over to it
Essence You WILL fulfill destiny of darkness you cannot deny it…
You: You are not my master, not my teacher I will not help you
Essence YOU CANNOT ESCAPE ME I AM ETERNAL!!! If you will not serve me…then I will become you, and destroy your mind from the inside~

Option 1: Accept your fate (lose the game/selection of this leads to nothing)
Option 2: Fight the Essence (basically this is the plot, the Essence takes over you, but only half, so every 5-10 minutes it destroys 25% of your mind causing memory loss, all of this while you are climbing to the top of Mount Alkzion to retrieve a red stone that will capture the Essence giving you control over him, restoring you making yourself eternal)

Idea by: ShadowDragon44
Sorry but like also kinda not, for not following the format :PP (sorry my thing :smiling_imp:),

Find lost pet

The game goal is for the player to find a lost pet that belongs to an NPC. The NPC will provide clues and hints to the player about the whereabouts of the pet. The player must explore the game world, search for clues, and solve puzzles to find the pet. The player must also avoid obstacles and dangers that may hinder their progress. Once the pet is found, the player must return it to the NPC to complete the game. The game can also have a time limit or score system to add more challenge and replayability.

Good luck and have fun playing!

  • Artemis

Quest ideas made by Aubec7:

Sentry Problems

Sentry Problems


NPC: “ahhhhhhh”
You: “whats wrong?”
NPC: “Over there! Those mean sentries are making me feel REALLY uncomfortable, please, can you help me?”
1st possible response: “Consider it done!”
2nd possible response: “Sorry, No.”


The problem here is that an NPC is scared because there are evil sentries nearby


Go over to the evil sentries and take out each sentry, after that go back to the NPC and he/she will notice that the sentries are gone, and that ends the quest


100 Your Gimkit-map Currency

Ancient Megalodon Bones

Ancient Megalodon Bones


NPC: "Hey! Have you heard of the recent rumors of “Ancient Megalodon Bones” nearby?
You: “No, what about it?”
NPC: “Well, I really want to know if it is true, I would pay anything to see some fragment of a Megalodon! You look like a traveler, can you help me?”
1st possible response: “I’ll look for it!”
2nd possible response: “I don’t think that rumor is real, so I’m not going to waste my time”


An NPC is really curious to see some evidence of an Ancient Megalodon Bone that the NPC has heard about, the NPC says, “I would pay anything to see some fragments of a Megalodon!”


look around the map in search of Ancient Megalodon Bones and once found, grab an item (this can be anything from an item spawner) near it and head back to the NPC, after that give it to him/her and get the reward and end the quest


A Diamond

The Lost Sword

The Lost Sword


NPC: “How could I be so dumb
You: “What happened?”
NPC: "I was fighting a bandit that stole my gold, I won by the way, the next day im pretty sure the bandit tried to get revenge on me and he took my sword, the worst part is though, that sword was very expensive, can you please help me?
1st possible answer: “I’ll have your sword back in no time!”
2nd possible answer: “Your on your own, sorry”


An NPC lost his very expensive sword that the NPC thinks was because of the bandit, he/she could be wrong though


Search for the bandit, and bring the sword back to the NPC


The gold bag that the bandit stole originally

Important stuff (MUST READ):

Wiki Rules
  1. Please obey the FAQ and the TOS
  2. Read the Format section before editing
  3. Please do not post anything off-topic
  4. Do not post quest ideas that are similar to other quests (in other-words, BE ORIGINAL)
  5. Keep it tidy, make sure to add quest ideas into the right section, and if you see someone make a mistake, try to fix it at all times
  6. EVERY quest idea should be formatted the CORRECT way
  7. if you add a quest, ADD IT TO THE CONTRIBUTORS SECTION
  8. always add your name to the quest PLEASE (it makes it a lot better for my brain)
Title of Quest

Title of Quest


write the conversation here, ex. below:
NPC: “words here”
You: “words here”
NPC: "words here:
1st possible response: “words here” (an acceptance)
2nd possible response: "words here: (a decline)
(and so on)


write the problem here


write the solution here


write possibilities that the player can get upon completing the quest here

Quest By: @your_name_here

if it helps you can look at my quest ideas to see how to do it


If you add a quest, please add your name here:

@Aubec7 (Ex.)


noicee! might want to give a guide to create quests, in case they dont know how.


Is it alright if I add a bit in the format where people add their name?


Is anyone allowed to add a quest?


id say add it in the community section


Ok thank you, i needed confermation


Whew! that took a while

1 Like

Nice Guide! I like the Ancient Megladon Bones one…


@Aubec7, do you mind if I add some quests, fix some formatting and change some wording to make the spelling and grammar look more proper?
I’ll also add some images and steps on how to recreate certain quests in GKC, so the guide isn’t just a whole block of text.


Nice guide, this is cool.

Haisai you spelled disappointed wrong in your profile. fyi


Yes that is a good idea


yes im okay with that


@Haiasi if you are done, you should remove your vote.


Im pretty sure he is still working, he’s adding some important things to the wiki that are essential


I added a “contributors” section, so if you add a quest please put your name in there


Defeating DoD?! No one can do that…
!ediuG ecioN
Translation: Noice Guide


Good job on TL3 @Aubec7, I’m gonna add stuff.


by the way, I see three quests that don’t have a problem, solution, and a reward, and their name


I can fix it.


@Captain-Gim remember to unvote once your done editing