Ideas for my sonic 3 game

I need ideas for my sonic 3 game.

Here is the image.
@Karlz i can´t say anything but i can here so i have the admin panel.

Well what do you have so far?


Make sure to hide game codes even if they are not active. It’s a safety thing.

You could make players fast in some areas and put sentrys and customize them like different sonic characters

But they already are fast.

These Community Made Guides and Help topics may help you get ideas:

Hmmmm… Let me try the first one.

No i don´t think i would like sonic.exe.

I understand, but I’m guessing that some of the mechanics in the guide might give you some ideas for your own game.
The first guide…

Maybe… ok? yeah probably

Oh then I am out of ideas

What??? uh

Probably something that isn´t in the game.

Like this.

Thats the admin panel
i wish i could eat something rn

Food I want

Probably pizza?

That’s nice, but please remember to remove the code when you post an image, or crop it out at least. Or at least make sure it is unactive.

Just like Karlz told you earlier.

There. I hid the code.

I like pizza. Any ideas yet? Where is @Karlz though?


  • Lore (always makes games better)
  • Make it enjoyable to play and replay, so unique quests and storylines to spice things up
  • Boss battles
  • Different areas
  • Easter eggs for people to find
  • Details and well made terrain
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I do have easter eggs but i don´t think it´s enjoyable to play.


Because I think I don´t have very good stuff in the game. Because I don´t have the season ticket.

There are many ways to do season ticket things without the season ticket (eg. sentry with popup).

I know but they probably don´t like my game.