Hi, as platformer is coming out tomorrow I want to ask if the metal Sonic race from Sonic CD is able to be recreated, if so, how?
Can you explain what the metal Sonic race is?
basically its a race between the player and an coded enemy, its like a boss but instead of fighting it, it tests how fast you truly can be.
(I wish I could link a video or something but I cant and most things on my end are blocked)
Yes, I would think it’s possible, or, at least some version of it.
For the enemy you would have to just include a time you would have to beat. If you want to go advanced, then have the time to beat and animation of the boss going on the track.
I feel like if there’s a target, and moving sentries are added, maybe the sentry is faster than you? Then you would have to place speed boosts around the map.
another thing is that metal Sonic (the enemy) can infact damage you, so the enemy would need to be visible.
Well, then you need a lot of sentries.
If moving ones are released too next season, it might be easier.
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