How to make a heal support ability. (Remaking TD (the disaster) in Gimkit) (difficulty: 4/10)

3rd guide for my remake of sonic.exe the disater


1 game overlay
1 checker
2 property
1 Relay
2 triggers
2 speed modifiers
1 health granter
1 damager
1 repeater
1 counter

Heal support system

first place a Game Overlay and set its settings like this (the first few parts are similar to this guide: How to make a speed boost ability with a cooldown)

then place a checker and set its settings to this

then make a property and set it up like this

then make these 3 block code scripts
Screenshot 2024-09-25 3.30.04 PM

then place 2 triggers and set one to this

and the other to this

then make a relay and set it up like this

then make 2 speed modifiers
one set up like this

and the other like this

then make a health granter, and set it up like this

than make a damager set up like this

(this is done so that the player who activates the heal doesn’t get the extra HP.)
then make a Property and set it up like this

then make a repeater and set it up like this

and then make a counter set up like this

than wire them both like this

and then your finished!

Finished product

this guide took a lot of time to make, and I hope it helps!
this can be edited in a lot of ways!

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Should I work on a TUG on Remaking Sonic.exe the disaster?

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Amazing @Fleet Great Guide!!!

also once I’m done remaking TD
I might make a giant guide with how to make it in its entirety, combining the TD mechanic guides I’ve already made with it! although I’d have to ask a regular to make it a wiki

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Great job (etc, you dont need the other tags only the community one).

Good guide. I suggest adding what you are making because some people might not know just from looking at the title. Heal support ability is very generic.


Thanks, I took that into account, (I kinda forgot that I am one of the only people who know what Sonic.exe the disaster is)

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because new poll and I want responses from people because I want peoples opinions!
