How to make the hunger games 3/10 or šŸŸ©

@Stealthknight2 Iā€™m gonna make ducks come to your house and eat you whole pls leave beluga alone

Never mind

i only found a conucopia one by blizzy
and its art

Did I help?

with the layers
yeah a bit


I have come back with a list where only one is from the search bar, you could have found all of these on your own from that one guide! plus if you DO go into the search bar you will find when you type in ā€œHunger gamesā€ it brings up 50+. We donā€™t need clutter, people can just look at other questions or guides! for help!

I highly recommend you look at all of those fifty and see if your guide has ANY-thing different and if it does highlight that show me and fine, but I highly dought your guide has anything those hundreds of replays have.

Welp @bob_the_tomato i canā€™t help ya here good luck your probably getting canceled

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well all those are help, and there are no guides so i made one

whenever i post a guide theres always Something wrong, even if theres nothing wrong


Herrmmm, yesh, I shee. Anything elsh you want to shay?


Well, if itā€™s a duplicate guide, there IS something wrong with it, because that causes something called clutter.

Alsoā€¦ something we should think about:


Also, please donā€™t beg for likes. This isnā€™t youtube shorts.


You dont need a guide if there are solutions on help, with the amount of helps it equals up to a huge guide, so no-one needs clutter just stop.

you happy?? i removed that part

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and this is not a duplicate guide.

Geez whatever happened to the forums being chill
Let them keep this guide. If nobody uses it then who cares? Itā€™s not like itā€™s messing up your life or something. Or maybe this forum is your life. Which is concerning but whatever.


@bob_the_tomato This is how the Old Forums were before Art . This was my pain with a few guides. Good luck making another guide

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i wish people would actually appreciate people for the good guides they make
i mean sometimes i understand bc they are duplicates. but this is not a duplicate


I have already stated how this guide is just clutter and will not get agravated any longer I will not admit I am wrong as I am not and will stop replying to this topic.

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Maybe next time make a guide with an idea of your own and take duplicate ideas and post them onto its original guide? Thatā€™ll reduce the hate by a ton.

just sayā€™n