How To Make Crafting, Difficulty⎹(:Green_Square:)

Credit to @Cryptoraider_Gemkit for making a guide like this first! First place down a desk prop, (this will be your crafting table) now place down a button. It shouldn’t be visible in game, and the interactive message should be “craft”. Now, choose what ingredients you will need to craft something. For example, in my game, i crafted a speed potion that required one raspberry and one blueberry.
Now place down inventory item managers that track your required items, then place down the same amount of properties as the inventory item managers. Name the properties after your ingredients, and make the property type number, and property scope player.

Next go into your inventory item managers and go to the property tab. Make them track the property that is named after their managed item. For example, one of my inventory item managers would be tracking the property “Blueberry.”
If you still don’t understand, this should help:

Screenshot 2023-08-22 12.46.38 PM

Next place down a popup with a call to action button named after the item/potion you want to craft. Now wire the button to the popup, so that button is pressed → open the popup.
Next place down a trigger, and wire the popup to it so that the primary call to action is clicked, → trigger.
Next, follow this blockcode:
Screenshot 2023-08-22 12.46.12 PM
Change the property and the number in the block code depending on how many of that item you need to craft your item/potion. Now place down another trigger that is triggered when receiving on “Trigger”, and do this block code in it:

Again, change this to your needs. Next place down another popup with the header text “insufficient Materials”, and the call to action button, “Materials Needed.” Make it open when receiving on “insufficient”, and make the call to action channel, “Materials.” Now place down yet another popup, and make it open when receiving on “Materials”, and copy this block code:
Screenshot 2023-08-24 5.13.53 PM
Now, in the same popup, do a another block like this:

Now place down two item granters. Make one grant -1 blueberry when receiving on the channel speed, (or whatever, just make sure your channel is coming from the block code above this one)
(and whatever item you’re using, and change the number depending on how much you need for the item/potion)
and make the other one grant -1 raspberry (read above again)
Now if your craft recipe grants you an item, place down a item granter and make it grant that item when receiving on the channel, but since mines was a speed potion, i made players double their speed when they complete the craft.
Last but not least, place down a popup that says “Success”, and have it open when receiving on the channel “Success.”
Sorry if this guide was a little unclear, i typed fast, so i might have to go back and edit some stuff. Finished product:

This is a basic craft system that should show what materials you are missing for the item/potion.
Happy Gimkitting!



Wouldn’t this be a lot faster with checkers? Otherwise, this is a pretty good guide!


Nice guide, @Vortex-Mist!


Tbh i don’t really think so, because sometimes checkers are all wack, and it was kind of difficult to use them because sometimes the player would have exactly one of the item, and sometimes they would have more than 1, so i just did it in block code, the “greater than or equal to” sign


For greater or equal to 1 just do greater than 0. Checkers are only broken with properties.


wow how have i never thought of that


well mines already has properties so

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Yeah, whatever.

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Nice guide


wait nvm it was lag lol whoops

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wait i found a flaw, fixing it now

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@Vortex-Mist You might want to credit this guide:


Actually, having blocks here can help reuse the code by using functions. Although you need a function for each combination of inputs and outputs…

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does that first block code go on the trigger or the pop up

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It does.

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that doesn’t answer my question im asking the trigger or the first pop up

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What do you mean by that? Could you further elaborate?

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the first picture of code that they posted is that on that first trigger or the first pop up

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The first trigger. Any other questions?

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no, thank you though