How to make an in-game chat system Difficulty: 🟧 (OUT OF DATE)

Hi guys. I know I am a newbie, but I know it works. For the photos, take a look at this slideshow (It only allows one photo for newbies):
First create some ideas for your messages. For example, I used: 1. I’m here… 2. Hi! 3. No 4. Yes
Next create popups and add things like slide 1.

Second, make notifications and modify the settings to look something like slide 2
Make the wires so that the popups open more popups to send messages. It should look like slide 3
When you are done, wire up the popups and notifications like slide 4

Lastly, let’s finish the code. The code blocks should look like slide 5

The Ending
The notifications should look like slide 6
Let me know if you need more help.

Oh yeah, this guide was similar to @Dayy 's guide, but it only has similar settings of the popups. I created this guide because I found that his guide worked once and after that, it didn’t work and I needed it for a school project on gimkit.

UPDATE 11/24/23
This is now OUT OF DATE! This is the new post:
How to make an in-game chat system (Now with photos!) (WIP)


nice guide!, but you could just add the photos to the guide and not google slides. Also, you might want to add more to this, short guides sometimes get flagged.


Nice guide! But yeah,

I realize this is your first day, so you can only add one photo, but once you’re in for long enough, you should be able to, and also, welcome to the forum!

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oh wait yeah, it is their first day. They wont be able to edit this after today.


Welcome to the forum, @ABCD! Nice first guide!

Nice first guide and welcome to the communiyy @ABCD, you might want to credit this guide though

Welcome to the fourm, @ABCD! Nice first guide!

Yeah will do! For me, @Dayy 's guide didn’t work well.

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Thanks everybody! I might add some other guides in the future!


Here is what to do to add photos:

  1. get @trust_level_1
  2. add photos
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Wdym? I don’t understand

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You need that trust level to add multiple pictures.

Yeah, some images might be helpful

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so I need to go to that group?

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This is only my second day

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That group/ trust level can be entered by reading some posts for a few minutes

Welcome to the community @JaxAttack!

So I just read any post?

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You might want to read this guide @ABCD

For TL1, how many photos can we add? I have 6 that I need to add.