Barrier Art Collection

Okay guys—let’s not start another argument about off-topic posting and start another dumpster fire—and let’s remain relevant to this…


im not argueing im just asking because im intristed

I have some guides.

I can provide more if needed.


suspended…you said banned…suspended till when?

i don’t know how do i check i thought they were banned last time i checked

whats their username?


NO! They ruined my guide, got it closed and went off-topic a ton. I’m sorry, but I truly don’t think they should be unbanned. Call me rude, but they were banned for a reason.

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well everyone deserves a second chance right? You can’t tell me you NEVER have made a mistake in your life that you wanted a second chance on…we can try our best, if we can’t help it’s not our fault…if we can, I promise i will monitor them closely and if they do continue the bad behavior I will personally inform the mods immediately. (though in the faq it says you can not get unbanned they take bans seriously so we probably can’t even do anything).

I don’t want to argue, but the thing is, they had multiple opportunities, and wouldn’t stop. We kept telling them.

okay i just checked recent activity…i would say like .0001% of getting them unbanned.

this is off topic…forget it…@Lostsea3 you can pm the mods offense.

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Screenshot 2024-03-02 6.52.45 PM


i approve of this\


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I have a feeling the teeth aren’t barriers but I’ll let it slid
And the nose as well…


(bottom teeth are, top teeth aren’t)

i thought so
the top wasn’t fully colored in

barrier bump

stop right there

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took too long but finished!
battle cat

in honor of haiasi


Nice looks good
wow I remember this guide, wasn’t good at the wiki stuff but luckily @Cellofive really helped out