Barrier Art Collection

Regulars cannot unban users.

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How to make SpongeBob doesn’t belong in a TUG like this. TUGs shouldn’t be just tutorials for how to make a specific thing. They should instead be used to teach others how to make a wide variety of things.

So for example, instead of teaching how to make SpongeBob, teach how to make barrier art in general. Maybe provide advice for how to break an image down into barriers, how how to use shading in barrier art, or things people will actually learn from so they can make their own art.


i know but i was asking the regulars of who to ask to get someone unbanned
edit: ill take the silence as its not possible
edit edit: so if its not possible is there another way for them to get back on here because i know it blocks your ip and your email when banned

I don’t know that.

That’s a question for Jeff, so you’ll need to email him. I assume that the answer is no though.


k ill try can i have the email

hey can somone use the backround remover website Upload Image – to remove this image for me

im using it for a gimkit build but i need backround gone.

my computer blocked it quickly not the way school blocks it but the way if theres something wrong with it

okay i found it nvm.

procces done why could you not accses the website school block it?
Screenshot 2024-02-29 110708

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I can’t, sorry.


so can i get jeffs email so i can ask

thanks it worked!

welcome but can i have jeffs email or a mod that can unban people im trying to get a freind unbanned

umm…as said in faq when your account gets banned theres no chance of getting it unbanned…they will just have to create new account…maybe use new email idk…
what did they get banned for? thats real question.

k thanks for telling me so how do we get a new email i figure it out is there ip ban here because if there is than a new email will not be the only problem

also i have a question…why are we always saying almost everything is off topic…when the mods don’t take the time to even go to those type of topics…i think what jeffo said about the “police force” being more off topic and disruptive meant we need to stop saying so much is off topic unless we know the mods are strict and have said that those specific topics are not for the forums and look into those types of topics…correct me if im wrong but its just a thought ive been having.

immm again WHAT specifically did they do? that will decide whether or not they have chance of being unbanned.

it says being too combative and is suspeded last post dec 28 2023

so how long is a suspention i hear 2-3 months so it will almost be 2 months