Barrier Art Collection

reusable bump

also bubble wrap

Why does sponge bob have no clothes.

i tried adding my ecto-1 guide but it didn’t work.

Umm nobody mind that :sweat_smile:



Noice. Is that made out of barriers entirely? :open_mouth:

Yep. Took a while because I was on mobile and had to individually place, edit, and select each barrier.

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yes, you can go check


But what did you mean he could check. We were talking about the sans art I made.

oh my bad i thought he was talking to me


Um @THEHACKER120, I’ve made an Impostor barrier art, and someone actually suggested that I have this added to that. So, I guess, here’s the link if you want to add it…

How to make an Impostor among us character

bump, all the way to the top.

Alright I’ll add your guide to the wiki, you don’t have to ask me to do it though you can just do it yourself, anyone can edit this wiki.

I know the five day bumping rule is obsolete now but don’t bump something after two minutes :skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull:

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oh, okay. my bad. That’s good

sorry, I meant to bump my forum, but I bumped this one by accident.

Your guide had activity only an hour ago.
Bumping is meant for forgotten guides, old high-quality ones, not simple ones that aren’t old at all

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