Fun with Text & Barriers

This is going to be a Wiki Mimic that only me can edit. But I need a very active regular to keep an eye on peoples creations. And make sure people stay on topic

  1. You may make anything you want with Text and Barriers. I would love to see your creations

  2. It must be Appropriate for a 9 year old

  3. Stay on Topic

  4. Do not create a clutter in the comments for unrelated stuff You people know who you are

  5. have fun

6. Secret Rule: do not put GiméMon Cards that is just a sore subject for me

Ideas are Household objects, Nature, Buildings, Miscellaneous

Household Objects Section


Turn this Example into creation when One pops up

Nature Section


Turn this Example into a creation when One pops up

Buildings Section


Turn this Example into creation when One pops up

Miscellaneous Section


Made by @some_kid

Do you think this guide is Helpful?

  • Yes
0 voters

I am not putting a no due to negativity of putting no on polls all I am going to say is if want to say no just do not answer


Sorry, but regulars can’t edit descriptions on people’s posts or topics. They can only change the topic name, change the topic category, or add tags to the topic. You need to make it a wiki for TL3 to edit (you need tl3 to put things into wiki, but you didn’t reach that yet)

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you know that regulars can’t edit others’ posts? only mods, admins, and tl4s can do that


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I’ve been reading the forum stuff ever since i joined.

they’re actually entertaining

ikr. also @Gimkitsuggestor you have about 20 days until you’re tl3 and can let everyone edit

Okay I will edit this myself then

You want to be my Eye to make sure people stay on topic

Well here:

If they get suspended, they have to wait 50 more days.

If they get silenced (account on hold), they have to wait 160 more days.

well to a great soul like me would they?

As long as…you just don’t get off-topic.

Also, this is probably off-topic.

that is my guide you silly I can put that and its my rule

topics, even guides, can get reported tho if something’s off-topic

But you can ignore me, it’s not like i control your life anyway.

Wait a few months and you will understand what off topic is

and stop commenting your creating clutter

I… understand?

Okay I can flag you if you dont stop talking about this and ACTUALLY being off topic


i joined 4 days ago and i’m already getting banned.
I’ll stop posting because you asked for it.

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its okay do not be sad it can be hard being new it took me a little while to fit in too

Man Got to figure out that onebox thing

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@Gimkitsuggestor adding the wiki tag does not make this a wiki

I know that I thought regulars could edit

this is an Wiki Mimic

Read before you type @Foxy