Fun with Text & Barriers

if you are the only one that can edit it is not a wiki sorry
tags are meant to help people find things they need

yeh yeh I know got to wait 20 days for a real wiki

@Gimkitsuggestor it means you have to have made your account 100 days ago and visited 50 of those days

Also, if you wait 20 days to make this a wiki, you only have 10 days to edit the wiki. So ALWAYS edit the wiki and keep it in a good schedule, or else this would land on the wastelands ( Devices )

I am not making this a wiki this is a dead show

but man did you like learn so much about this forum in only 4 days

I also read before making an account.

Also, off-topic, so don’t get off-topic.

except for the off topic part ;-;

there can be an ¨occasional¨ off topic but you got to learn we all make mistakes here

Even the regulars go off topic sometimes
so you got to learn to be less sensitive about it

They went off-topic when it’s summer break, when the forums were dead (when they weren’t active anymore), but the mods gave them a chance since the forums were dead and no one was even active except tl3. and tl2.

no, you just have to have your account created at least 55 days ago because you don’t get regular in exactly 50 days and you don’t need 100 days necessarily. ik that from experience

no, sometimes we do go off-topic. like right now! let’s get back on-topic please

I’ll prolly add some of my barrier art on here once i get the chance.

I made this with orange _ and |

ok do you want the pikmin sprouts
I made some

Okay okay @FersionSpeedy Stop replying to me because you seem to think somethings off topic though you go off topic

But everyone get Back on topic!

But i didn’t even reply to you… (for today)

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Your fine but can I get 1 thing across that has been irritating me for awhile

My gimemon rule is not off topic its a guide I made then some jokester came on and started acting inappropriate and lost my most popular guide And its my topic so if its in comments it is a bit off topic but Just dont try acting smart alleck because it has nicked my head a little with annoyance but You seem great for the forums just watch what you do here

My beautiful Creation
Screenshot 2023-12-22 12.58.24 PM
Ignore the red circle it was part of my guide
but I could show you all the like 10 creations people sent me

And if you want to know this this is off topic slightly but not a big misdemeanor