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| Introduction: Never (Gonna) Give (You) Up Platformer Gameplay |
Many games in discovery these days are platformers.
99% of them have horrible, repetitive gameplay.
Some of them are just visual, but come on, that doesn’t give the player’s ATTENTION SPAN much to work with.
Most of the jumps are just distance jumps, two props or pieces of terrain that you jump from and land on. BORING.
If you’re going to make a platformer and you want it to have the success that AoMS or Everest have, use unique jumps to make it challenging and actually fun!
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| Format (to be organized) |
-name of jump type-
-screenshot of jump type-
if you do not have the season ticket just remodel it in top-down and imagine that it is platforming with gravity turned off
Edit: Platforming is now free to everybody.
-description of jump type and how to beat it
| Jump Types |
Checker Jump
A checker jump is a difficult 45° slope on a very tiny diamond shape barrier.
Similar to a headhitter, except in the way that you have to jump in between to diamond-shaped barriers and then jump up to proceed to the next one.
It is very difficult and has wonky physics; it will take a few tries.
The Perpendicular Shuffle
This jump is like a laser jump, but way longer!
It’s fairly easy to beat this type of jump!
How to beat it, you ask?
up+left+right+up+right=You beat the perpendicular shuffle!
Reverse Perpendicular Shuffle
This is like the Perpendicular Shuffle, but where the across part is below instead of above.
To beat it, you just have to get above the straight-up laser by taking one jump that goes up and slightly across it, then using your double-jump to clear the second laser.
Long Jump
That one jump that always gets used in repetitive gameplay, but it’s possible to make it actually decent. It’s basically a jump where you jump and then you need to double jump to beat it, without any kind of really special timings.
Headhitter/Ladder Jump
There are many different variations of the headhitter, but the most basic one is shown in the picture. To beat it, you need to jump and go out like a ladder, then you need to double jump and land on the block above you. Another name is the ladder jump, however that is technically a variation of the headhitter.
Reverse Headhitter
Think of a reverse headhitter as a headhitter, but you’re jumping from the top to get to the bottom, because that’s what a reverse headhitter is. To do a reverse headhitter, you need to fall down until you’re almost too far down, then you have to use your double jump to get to the platform below.
Extended Headhitter
This is a jump that makes an ordinary headhitter harder. To make an extended headhitter, just make an ordinary headhitter and extend the upper part a bit. To beat it, just walk off the lower platform until you can make the jump, then double jump onto the upper platformer.
Reverse Extended Headhitter
You get it dont you. You just have to go to the other side
i dont have platforming :o
(Note: Basically just an extended headhitter but you start from the top. This is difficult for the same reason a normal extended headhitter is difficult, you have to go farther.)
Ladder Jump
You’ve likely seen this type of jump in a couple platformers on Discovery, and they can improve the level of your game, as well as the difficulty. They are when you have two objects stacked on top of each other, but with a gap in that is big enough that the player can land on it, but small enough they can’t fit through. Here’s a picture:
(from Ascent of Mt. Snowy, I don’t have season ticket so I went there to show you)
The most common way of making this jump is with terrain.
To complete the jump, go up and out, then back in and up on your double jump.
To jump into the first ladder jump, you have to land right in the gap, not below it or too high above it. To jump from the ladder jump, jump out and up, and then out again onto the platform, or let yourself fall then use your double jump if you are jumping across to another ladder jump.
These jumps are sometimes incorrectly called wedge jumps. Ladder jumps were decided as the official name.
What are these jumps called? Vote on post 121 - #121 by Jobozo1875
These are some common attributes of headhitters you will find, but they are not their own category/variant in their own right, since they are extremely similar to normal headhitters and fall under that umbrella.
Diagonal Headhitter
(Ignore fragility)
In order to complete, you have to jump under the diagonal barrier and double jump up to the platform.
Difficulty: 4/10
Basically, this is a long jump but
A. Shortened, and
B. Adds a wall (or other object) that blocks doing a long jump via normal methods.
To beat this jump, you need to walk off the starting platform, keep walking until you’re past the wall, then you need to use your double jump to get back onto the end platform.
Some drop-jumps actually require you to jump off the starting platform, then jump when you are past the wall. However, these are less common.
(Also called overhang jumps [by only unavailible ])
Laser Drop-Jump
This is just a drop-jump with a laser instead of a barrier in the middle, simple.
To beat this, just do all the stuff you would with a normal drop-jump without touching the laser.
Slope Jumps & Advanced Slope Jumps
One of the hardest jump technique (or maybe not) in GKC, it is actually a glitch where you jump on the tilted platform (like barrier, as shown in the picture) and manage to restore your double jumps when you jump to the other side.
so, here is the way to accomplish a slope jump:
First, you have to jump on the tilted barrier/prop, make sure to actually “stick” to it so you can then do the next step flawlessly.
Nice job!
the next step, stop for a tiny bit, and jump to the other side, then quickly jump back again
as it shown in the picture, the key movements should be:
(Right + Up → Delay → Left + Up → Right + Up/Right + Up 2 times)
You can even do a double jump when you are jumping back, depends on the situations.
now, what you have to do, is to repeat the process, sometimes you might encounter the jumps with a very long slope platform, like the below one have shown-
You are all set!
Once you mastered Slope Jumps, you can add different obstacles in your game! just remember to set the slope platform to the right angle so the player could actually slope jumping instead of…
Thank you for reading! Hopefully I did a fine job on explaining Slope Jump and not trying to advertise. You are ABSOLUTELY welcome to edit my section if there are additional details or suggestions, thanks to Fluffy for making this wiki guide as well!
By NotYoyo
45 - Degree Slope
Welcome to THE jankiest thing in GKCP.
I think that this is less of a jump, and more in the category of lasers and barriers.
Ignore the lasers.
The 45 - degree slope has very odd properties, such as:
- Instantly going to terminal velocity when falling off.
- Having weird Slope Jump physics.
- Not being able to go up the slope but being able to stand on it if you land on it.
And that’s just naming a few. To get a sense of how garbage the physics of the 45 - degree slope are, go test it yourself. Doing a Slope Jump is mostly the same on a 45 - degree slope, though.
Slope Headhitter
To build this jump, just add a part sticking out of the slope, simple.
When beating this, treat it like a headhitter with a slope to use to jump on top.
Sawtooth Slope Headhitter
To build this jump, you would need to make a slope headhitter, then copy and paste it a few times on top of each other. There are 2 main things you can do to make a sawtooth slope headhitter harder. You can…
- Make the pitch larger and…
- Make a rake angle.
For pitch, you basically extend the top part of the headhitter you copy/paste a bunch of times, like this.
For rake angle, place the headhitter so that a little part is sting out on the bottom. this will make the “roof” of the headhitter lower, increasing the difficulty.
This jump is one of those jumps that are easy to accidentally make impossible, so remember to playtest.
Prop Jumps & Variations
Close Point Headhitter
How to complete this one:
It’s placed higher than normal, so you can’t jump on top. You have to land on the close points at the bottom. There’s also one where you have to drop from a close point to land on another one! Like this.
Hope you liked what you saw!
Feel free to start on this, I won’t be online much for the start of high school (eep)
Disclaimer: I am aware that ideally, this could be added to the TUG for platforming, but this might just get lost in the other stuff and not be acknowledged by people this would actually be helpful to- people who know how to make platformers but don’t know how to make them good.
Also, character limit could cut this list off short if put into the TUG.
If this shouldn’t have been posted or something, let me know and I’ll make sure it gets taken down, but only if people absolutely know that this should not be posted/should just be in the TUG.
Thank you!