Can anyone make a guide to wall climbing?

Can anyone make a guide to wall climbing, I just played Everest and I thought it was pretty cool.

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This is off-topic, but here

I do not mean to sound rude but none of these cover wall climbing, unless you count the slope jumping and slope jump reset but that is not what I am looking for.

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he did say it was off topic

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its sort of on topic he/she may just want to know how to do it For their map

I just realized I am on more topics than I have ever seen regulars on
I am a very active person =D

Good for you. I’ve read almost every single topic in help since the beginning of August.

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nah brick is an alt account

Then add it to that guide

Try to avoid making off-topic post please for the sake of your own account.

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Good for you slim Thats quite hard work!

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(bypass the limit)

mb then, just seems something a bot would do

Please get back on topic

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They made the topic ;-;

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Not possible I don’t think

I just wanted to know how Everest did it then I can work from there.

This is possible
@Teehee place down a zone, wires to a invisible barrier beneath it
make the barrier player-scoped
when player enter zone → activate barrier
when player leaves zone → deactivate barrier
